8 Results
Software tool for fast and repeatable optimization of signal analyzer RF front-end settings
The signal conditioning in the RF front-end of signal analyzers is crucial to achieve the best performance with respect to image-suppression, noise-floor, dynamic range and other RF-key parameters.Precise signal levelling is especially important for complex measurements like Error-Vector-Magnitude (EVM). To minimize the measurement uncertainty from test system contributions over a wide range of different levels, the RF front-end needs to be adapted continuously according to the signal characteristics, signal power and frequency - ideally using an automatic levelling algorithm.This document describes the approach of a waveform specific, on-site characterization of the signal analyzer: For each waveform and frequency of interest, the instrument is evaluated in a first step. With this additional data, a fast and repeatable auto-levelling can be performed during the actual measurement.
24-Jan-2022 | AN-No. 1EF111
conducted conformance testing according to TS 38.141-1, Rel. 16
3GPP defines the Radio Frequency (RF) conformance test methods and requirements for 5G NR Base Stations (BS) in the technical specifications TS 38.141. This application note describes how all mandatory RF transmitter tests (TS 38.141-1, chapter 6), according to Release 16, can be performed quickly and conveniently with signal or spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz by either choosing manual operation or a remote control approach. Moreover, some test cases require additional signal generation equipment from Rohde & Schwarz.In Addition, a new Python software library comes with this application note to enable the remote control approach of base station testing. This example requires the RsInstrument module which can be found on pypi.org or installed via 'pip' and is provided as is.
27-Jan-2021 | AN-No. GFM313
conducted conformance testing according to TS 38.141-1, Rel. 15
3GPP defines the Radio Frequency (RF) conformance test methods and requirements for 5G NR Base Stations (BS) in the technical specifications TS 38.141. This application note describes how all mandatory RF receiver tests (TS 38.141-1, chapter 7), according to Release 15, can be performed quickly and conveniently with signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz by either choosing manual operation or a remote control approach. Moreover, one test case requires a signal or spectrum analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz which is highlighted seperately in the corresponding chapter.In Addition, a new Python software library comes with this application note to enable the remote control approach of base station testing. This example requires the RsInstrument module which can be found on pypi.org or installed via 'pip' and is provided as is.
02-Dec-2020 | AN-No. GFM314
radiated conformance testing according to TS 38.141-2, Rel. 16
3GPP defines the Radio Frequency (RF) conformance test methods and requirements for 5G NR Base Stations (BS) in the technical specifications TS 38.141. This application note describes all mandatory RF receiver tests (TS 38.141-2, chapter 7), according to Release 16.Furthermore, this document provides a brief introduction about the different R&S OTA antenna test solutions and how they are applicable for base station conformance testing. Rohde & Schwarz offers suitable solutions for any test case that is mentioned in this application note.
30-Jun-2020 | AN-No. GFM325
The document gives an overview and user guide about a link budget calculator for the main components of a basic OTA system. The calculator shall guide the user to plan link budgets, especially with respect to SNR requirements for the receive components and the vector signal analyzer. An Excel sheet containing the Link Budget Calculator accompanies the application note.
19-Mar-2019 | AN-No. 1EF104
The ARB Toolbox is an easy-to-use, feature packed software package that is used for many ARB waveform related tasks. Use this software for creating ARB waveform files from custom IQ data; import data from MATLAB .mat files; evaluate waveform content graphically; resample or filter waveforms; create analog modulated signals as ARB files; edit marker data in waveform files; use the composer for the creation of complex multi carrier scanarios.
13-Dec-2018 | AN-No. 1GP88
This Application Note gives a short overview how signals with two different modulation schemes can be analyzed using the R&S®FSW (or R&S®FPS) using its Multi-Standard-Radio-Analyzer (MSRA) and Vector Signal Analysis personality. The Application Note focuses on DVB-S2(X) signals, but the approach may be used for similar signals as well, as e.g. used in microwave backhaul links.The Application Note also provides a software tool that automates the configuration and provides the variety of different constellations that are used within DVB-S2(X).
18-Apr-2016 | AN-No. 1EF93
This application note explains how to convert different Rohde & Schwarz I/Q file formats among each other using the supplied software tool.
23-Sep-2015 | AN-No. 1EF85