64 Results
Active, high-impedance probes can be connected to spectrum analyzers, providing a practical and highly precise measurement solution to overcome an otherwise cumbersome RF testing issue. This application note provides information on how to use oscilloscope probes in RF measurements using spectrum analyzers.
04-Jul-2023 | AN-No. 1EF116
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
The Bluetooth® wireless standard has been an unparalleled success. It has found its way into virtually all smartphones, PCs, cars, entertainment hardware and wearables. Bluetooth SIG reports that more than 8 billion devices are currently in use. Bluetooth supports Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and direction finding methods, making it a sure bet for the future as well.This white paper summarizes the various Bluetooth technologies with a focus on the physical layer in line with core specification version 5.1.
05-Jun-2019 | AN-No. 1MA108
The document gives an overview and user guide about a link budget calculator for the main components of a basic OTA system. The calculator shall guide the user to plan link budgets, especially with respect to SNR requirements for the receive components and the vector signal analyzer. An Excel sheet containing the Link Budget Calculator accompanies the application note.
19-Mar-2019 | AN-No. 1EF104
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
Rohde & Schwarz presents a customizable solution for testing GNSS receivers to ensure a certain resilience against (legal) interference from neighboring bands.
Rohde & Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzers equipped with the R&S®FSx-K30 option form the basis of a solution to accurately measure the noise figure in the millimeterwave frequency range using the Y-factor method.
Starting from June 2017, almost all radio transmitters and receivers sold or put into operation in the European Union have to be tested for immunity against interferers in adjacent frequency bands. ETSI standard EN 303 340 defines the tests to be performed on digital television receivers and requirements to be passed.This application note describes the test procedures and provides save-recall files and interferer signals for the Broadcast Test Center R&S®BTC.
11-Jul-2017 | AN-No. 1GP116
The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered the driving force of current and future wireless communications. In release 13, 3GPP has specified Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) as a new physical layer. This application note gives a short introduction to NB-IoT and shows the easy measurements with Rohde & Schwarz instruments.
30-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA296
More and more everyday items such as household appliances, vehicles, lights, etc. are now connected to the Internet, forming what is known as the "Internet of Things". Even clothing with sewn-in sensors to measure vital functions can now connect to the Internet and transmit data to cloud services. These different things use a variety of wireless technology standards to establish a connection. Due to its popularity, one of the most important standards is Bluetooth (or Bluetooth Low Energy). Before a new product with Bluetooth functionality can be launched, the qualification process defined by the Bluetooth SIG must be successfully completed. To save time and money, performance tests need to be performed in the development stage. This application note describes how to use the R&S CMW platform to perform the measurements defined in Bluetooth test specification version 5. As an alternative solution, we also cover how to perform almost all of the measurements with a spectrum analyzer and signal generator.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Rohde & Schwarz is under license.
19-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA282
This application note outlines two different approaches for remote-controlling Rohde & Schwarz instruments out of MathWorks MATLAB:The first one uses VISA connection and direct SCPI commands.The second approach takes advantage of Rohde & Schwarz VXI plug&play instrument drivers and MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox.
12-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
Rapid and accurate verification of beamforming weights is required for example, for codebook generation or beamforming algorithm development or verification. This document describes the unique application of Rohde & Schwarz VNA (Vector Network Analyzers) to fully characterize the passive part of multi-element antennas intended for beamforming.A range of R&S VNA models are optionally equipped with multiple independent sources, whose relative amplitude and phase may be arbitrarily controlled ("defined coherence mode"), in addition to frequency and true time delay. These sources may be connected to individual elements of a multi-element antenna to derive and verify transmit (Tx) mode beamsteering and beamforming operation.The R&S®ZVA in "Defined Coherence Mode" can electronically be switched to / from the conventional S-parameter mode. Therefore, Sparameter and beamforming measurements may be performed efficiently within a single connection cycle of the antenna.Multiple VNA may be daisy-chained, to extend the concept shown to support an arbitrary number of ports.The R&S®Quickstep sequencing software may be downloaded from:https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/software/quickstep/
20-Mar-2017 | AN-No. 1MA278
This Application Note gives 10 useful Tips & Tricks for the users of Rohde & Schwarz attribute-based instrument drivers. It is recommended for the first-time LabVIEW users as well as for the experienced programmers.
30-Jan-2017 | AN-No. 1MA228
LTE is under continuous development. Release 10 (LTE-Advanced) introduced carrier aggregation (CA) as the primary enhancement. Releases 11 and 12 add several new components to LTE. Some are enhancements to existing features (such as improvements to CA), while others are completely new concepts, such as coordinated multipoint (CoMP).This application note summarizes the Rohde & Schwarz test solutions for LTE-Advanced according to Releases 11 and 12 using vector signal generators, signal and spectrum analyzers and the wideband radio communication tester.
14-Jul-2016 | AN-No. 1MA272
3GPP TS36.141 defines conformance tests for EUTRA base stations (eNodeB). Release 14 added several tests, especially for enhanced License Assisted Access (eLAA).This application note describes how all required receiver (Rx) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 7) can be performed quickly and easily by using vector signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz. A few tests additionally require spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz.Examples illustrate the manual operation. A free software program enables and demonstrates remote operation.The LTE base station transmitter (Tx) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 6) are described in Application Note 1MA154.The LTE base station performance (Px) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 8) are described in Application Note 1MA162.
11-May-2016 | AN-No. 1MA195
3GPP TS36.141 defines conformance tests for EUTRA base stations (eNodeB). Release 14 added several tests, especially for enhanced License Assisted Accsess (eLAA).This application note describes how all required transmitter (Tx) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 6) can be performed quickly and easily by using signal and spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz. A few tests additionally require signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz.Examples illustrate the manual operation. A free software program enables and demonstrates remote operation.The LTE base station receiver (Rx) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 7) are described in Application Note 1MA195.The LTE base station performance (Px) tests (TS36.141 Chapter 8) are described in Application Note 1MA162.
11-May-2016 | AN-No. 1MA154
This application note describes the configuration of a Miracast wireless video transmission system and how to measure the delay times between a smart phone or tablet (source) and a television / monitor (sink) display. The accompanying software for Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS X 10.x and MATLAB additionally allows to measure the delay until the video signal is transmitted over the air and optionally until it is available on the HDMI cable of an external Miracast receiver.
01-Oct-2015 | AN-No. 1MA250
This application note explains how to convert different Rohde & Schwarz I/Q file formats among each other using the supplied software tool.
23-Sep-2015 | AN-No. 1EF85
Rohde & Schwarz recognizes the potential risk of computer virus infection when con-necting Windows®-based test instrumenta-tion to other computers via local area net-works (LANs), or using removable storage devices.This white paper introduces measures to minimize malware threats and discusses ways to mitigate risks while insuring that instrument performance is not compro-mised.The paper discusses the use of anti-virus software. It also outlines how to keep the Windows® 7 operating system properly updated through regular installation of OS patches.
27-Jan-2015 | AN-No. 1DC01
IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) uses Offset QPSK with a half-sine pulse-shaping filter as modulation. This application note describes how to set up the Rohde & Schwarz signal analyzers together with the corresponding vector signal analysis (VSA) personality for modulation quality measurements, especially EVM, for ZigBee.
12-Dec-2014 | AN-No. 1EF55
Current Radar development is focusing the area of signal processing. This is taken into account by this educational note, where the R&S®SMW / SMBV instruments on the transmitter side and R&S®FSW / FSV instruments on the receiver side are combined to a closed loop Radar system, performing radar detection by means of pulse compression and digital signal processing. Appropriate Rohde & Schwarz sofware tools for such applications are described as well as the interface between the tools and the test instruments. Target reader group are engineering students who want to perform tests using pulsed or chirped signals.
20-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA234
Test time is a critical parameter when it comes to evaluating the cost of test.This application note describes typical spectrum analyzer measurements in production environments and discusses different approaches to speed them up.
17-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1EF90
This application note introduces the IVI High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
12-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA208
3GPP TS25.141 defines conformance tests for W-CDMA base stations (including HSPA+ features). This application note describes how transmitter (Tx) tests (TS25.141 Chapter 6) can be performed quickly and easily by using signal and spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz. A few tests additionally require vector signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz. Example illustrates manual operation. A free software program enables and demonstrates remote operation. The W-CDMA base station receiver (Rx) tests (TS25.141 Chapter 7) are described in Application Note 1MA114.
21-Oct-2014 | AN-No. 1MA67
3GPP TS25.141 defines conformance tests for W-CDMA base stations (including HSPA+ features). This application note describes how all required receiver (Rx) tests (TS25.141 Chapter 7) can be performed easily and quickly by using vector signal generators and CW sources from Rohde & Schwarz. One test additionally requires a spectrum analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz.Example illustrates manual operation. A free software program enables and demonstrates remote operation. The W-CDMA base station transmitter (Tx) tests (TS25.141 Chapter 6) are described in Application Note 1MA67.
21-Oct-2014 | AN-No. 1MA114
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) is an integral part of LTE. Vector signal generators and signal & spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz support LTE measurements with up to 4 antennas. This Application Note covers 2x2 MIMO in the LTE downlink. Remote control programming is demonstrated by examples for a free-of-charge program.
09-Oct-2014 | AN-No. 1MA143
LTE-Advanced comprises multiple features enhancing the basic LTE technology firstly specified in 3GPP Release 8. LTE including the LTEAdvanced improvements was approved by ITU to comply with IMT-Advanced requirements and thus being a true 4G mobile communication system. The different technology components of LTE-Advanced have different market priorities and require different testing strategies. This application note summarizes the Rohde &Schwarz test solutions for LTE-Advanced (Release 10) using Vector Signal Generators, Signal and Spectrum Analyzers and the Wideband Radio Communication Tester.
03-Sep-2014 | AN-No. 1MA166
This application note provides hints for implementing remote control programs using Rohde & Schwarz spectrum and network analyzers. The document makes suggestions for improved remote control performance and describes aspects of measurement synchronization in detail. Finally the document discusses some typical challenges of remote control in production test.
19-Aug-2014 | AN-No. 1EF62
This application note shows how to remote control the switching of RF and digital I/O signals by R&S®OSP Open Switch and Control Platform directly from a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) or from a Spectrum Analyzer (SA). The R&S®ZVA, R&S®ZVB, R&S®ZNB, R&S®FSW and R&S®FSV families are covered. The application note first describes the requirements and setup procedure. It is shown how to install the software and how to set up the system in order to get highest flexibility and best usability. It is then shown how to calibrate the entire configuration and finally some practical examples are provided. Switching is explained using VNAs as an example, the appendix 5.4 provides hints regarding the differences when using SAs in a similar way.
06-Dec-2013 | AN-No. 1MA226
The constantly decreasing size of components and the available board space form a challenge to place adequate test connections for RF instruments. Recent improvements in the availability and use of high performance differential building blocks in RF circuits intensify the problems of connecting test equipment. Using oscilloscope probes is a possibility to perform measurements by connecting to printed circuit board lines and chip contacts where only a minimal area is required to make contact. This application note provides information on how to use oscilloscope probes in RF measurements using spectrum analyzers, and show the results of differential measurements with a spectrum analyzer.
28-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1EF84
Offering bandwidths up to 160 MHz, the signal generators and analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz are ideal for testing IEEE 802.11ac signals
Software tools allow to make the control of T&M instruments more convenient. The adoption of the following tools for Windows®-based T&M instruments is described: ● Synergy:One mouse and one keyboard control a group of T&M instruments ● CamStudio:Video clips of the display of a T&M instrumentare recorded during operation
13-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1MA218
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a new short-range, standards-based wireless connectivity technology, that uses magnetic field induction to enable communication between electronic devices in close proximity. Based on RFID technology, NFC provides a medium for the identification protocols that validate secure data transfer. NFC enables users to perform intuitive, safe, contactless transactions, access digital content and connect electronic devices simply by touching or bringing devices into close proximity. This White Paper gives an overview of NFC uses, NFC technology and signals and RF measurements on NFC units. NFC analog measurements with R&S test instruments are described in detail in R&S application Note 1MA190 'Basic Tests of NFC Enabled Devices Using R&S Test Equipment'
03-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1MA182
LTE – the fastest growing mobile radio standard – had its beginnings in 3GPP Release 8. Initial improvements and new features were implemented in Release 9. This Application Note describes the T&M methods for LTE Release 9 features using Rohde & Schwarz instruments.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA210
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology is an integral part of 3GPP E-UTRA long term evolution (LTE). As part of MIMO, beamforming is also used in LTE. This application note provides a brief summary of the transmission modes (TM) in LTE and describes the beamforming measurements for base stations (BS) and user equipment (UE). The T&M options using various Rohde & Schwarz instruments are also presented.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA187
IQWizard is a tool for loading IQ signal files in various formats and measuring IQ signals with a FSx spectrum analyzer or ESx Receiver. The obtained IQ data in memory can be stored in various formats or be transmitted to an R&S® vector signal generator with WinIQSIM™ or WinIQSIM2™.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA028
High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) optimize UMTS for packet data services in the downlink and uplink, respectively. Together, they are referred to as High Speed Packet Access (HSPA). Within 3GPP Release 7, 8, 9 and 10, further improvements to HSPA have been specified in the context of HSPA+ or HSPA evolution. This Application Note describes how HSPA+ features can be tested using Rohde & Schwarz instruments.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA121
RF physical layer specifications (such as 3GPP TS36.104) describe a variety of requirements that the end equipment needs to meet. This application note provides insight into some of these specifications and how test & measurement equipment can simplify the task of deriving requirements for RF sub-systems.
10-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA221
This document describes how a Windows®-based R&S® T&M instrument is remotely operated by an Apple iPad as if working on it locally. Step-by-step procedures are provided for setting up and configuring the T&M instrument and the iPad. On the iPad, a special App implements the Windows® 'Remote Desktop' functionality. T&M instrument and iPad are connected via WLAN (also denoted as Wi-Fi network).
28-Mar-2013 | AN-No. 1MA216
This application note examines both the theory and practice of state-of-the-art spectrum analysis by discussing specific measurements taken on an integrated RF amplifier.The theoretical portion of this document first describes how modern spectrum analyzers are designed and how they work. That is followed by a brief characterization of today's signal generators, which are needed as a stimulus when performing amplifier measurements. The effects on the spectrum that are caused by the nonlinearity of real devices under test are derived mathematically.The practical portion of this application note contains detailed test and measurement tasks that are suitable for use as lab exercises performed in small groups. The purpose of these tasks is to illustrate the explanations provided in the theoretical section and to provide a deeper understanding of the principles explained there.
05-Mar-2013 | AN-No. 1MA201
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
01-Jan-2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
The use of Rohde & Schwarz device drivers under VEE software is not complicated. However, a number of factors are involved, the errors that occur are often difficult to diagnose. This application provides easy and detailed support for installation and troubleshooting using National Instruments or Agilent GPIB boards.
20-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
This white paper introduces a novel attribute based architecture for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. The presented architecture uses the attribute based concept of IVI-C instrument drivers to introduce a two-layer design for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. Moreover the use of attributes is shown for the Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer (rsspecan) instrument driver.
01-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA170
Rohde & Schwarz recognizes the potential risk of computer virus infection when connecting Windows®-based test instrumentation to other computers via local area networks (LANs), or using removable storage devices. This white paper introduces measures to minimize malware threats and discusses ways to mitigate risks while insuring that instrument performance is not compromised. The paper discusses the use of anti-virus software, with recommended configuration settings. It also outlines how to keep the Windows® XP operating system properly updated through regular installation of OS patches.
04-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 1EF73
Wide range of set-top box tests in line with current DVB-xx standards using a variable, future-ready test system
This white paper provides a brief technology introduction on the 802.11ac amendment to the successful 802.11-2007 standard. 802.11ac provides mechanisms to increase throughput and user experience of existing WLAN and will build on 802.11n-2009.
23-May-2012 | AN-No. 1MA192
The Universal Radio Communication Tester R&S®CMU200 can perform most of the CDMA2000 1xEV-DO access terminal (AT) tests specified in the standard IS-866-A on its own. Some tests require additional instruments. This application note shows how to perform these tests easily with the remote-control software CMUgo, using the R&S®CMU200 in combination with R&S®SMU, R&S®AMU, R&S®SMJ or R&S®SML signal generators, and R&S®FSQ, R&S®FSU, R&S®FSP, R&S®FSL or R&S®FSMR spectrum analyzers.
05-Jan-2012 | AN-No. 1MA123
This application note provides a guide through the measurements for IEEE 802.11ac WLAN transmitter signals using the general purpose OFDM analysis software R&S FS-K96. Step-by-step instructions for performing the measurements are provided and the different result types available with the FSK96 Software are discussed.
22-Sep-2011 | AN-No. 1EF82
Existing GSM mobile communication systems have the potential to double voice capacity by adding the “Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot” (VAMOS) feature as specified in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN) Release 9 specifications. This application note describes the VAMOS feature from an air interface perspective in detail and specifically illustrates the VAMOS testing solution offered by Rohde & Schwarz test equipment.
17-Aug-2011 | AN-No. 1MA181
This application note explains how to bring a CADENCE system which is attached to an R&S EX-IQ-BOX into service for the first time. The first part of the document shows how to setup an LTE Demo without using a UE design. This setup uses the R&S CMW500 as the downlink transmitter. The emulator receives the downlink via an R&S EX-IQBOX and passes it to an R&S spectrum analyzer (R&S FSx) via a second R&S EXIQ-BOX. The second part describes the real wiring using up- and downlink. This will only work if a UE design is available on the emulator.
30-Jun-2011 | AN-No. 1CM75
Verification of baseband data is an important step in the early development phase of LTE/LTE-A-ready products. Comparison values for baseband data (test vectors) from other sources can be very useful in order to verify the correct implementation of the standard. Option K81 for the R&S®SMx200A vector signal generator offers sample data for LTE at the bit level. The reference data enables users to test their own implementation of the specification. The LTE bit stream verification program shown here uses data generated by this option and offers a (bitwise) comparison with bit streams generated for an LTE downlink signal. Therefore it demonstrates, how easy the option R&S SMx-K81 can be integrated into the simulation and design process during the development of LTE/LTE-A handsets or base stations.
02-Feb-2011 | AN-No. 1MA161
Unattended observation of spectrum occupancy for finding spurious emissions or seldom-occuring interferers is a common task for spectrum analyzers. Sometimes spectrum data has to be monitored over quite a long period of time. TraceRecorder, a small, free-of-charge software tool for storing measurement data from Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyzers helps you to perform this measurement task. Running on a PC, it connects to the spectrum analyzer via a LAN interface. For stand alone operation, it is possible to run it directly on a spectrum analyzer, eliminating the need for an additonal computer during data acquisition.
08-Dec-2010 | AN-No. 1MA105
This application note gives a short summary on how to use harmonic mixers in combination with Rohde & Schwarz Signal and Spectrum Analyzers. Focus of this application note is the use of conversion loss tables with different R&S analyzers. It also provides a tool to convert different formats of the conversion loss tables.
06-Aug-2010 | AN-No. 1EF75
This application note describes how to connect R&S® test and measurement products quickly and seamlessly to AWR® Visual System Simulator™ (VSS) via a GPIB or LAN interface. Using AWR® Connected™ customized for Rohde & Schwarz hardware and R&S® WinIQSIM2™ signal simulation software, the flexibility of digital radio standards is highlighted and its integration into VSS is demonstrated.
20-May-2010 | AN-No. 1MA174
FSxRecordPlay is a program for recording the trace data in frequency and time domain from Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyzers and measurement receivers via IEEE bus, LAN/Internet or internal remote control connection. The stream waveform data can be played back and analyzed directly in this software with variable speed.
20-May-2010 | AN-No. RAC-0605-0004
This application note helps to understand the measurement uncertainty calculation for a modern spectrum analyzer and provides a tool to calculate the total measurement uncertainty for different measurements.
21-Apr-2010 | AN-No. 1EF63
This Application Note describes signal generation with carrier aggregation for 802.16m based on 802.16e signals in practical important configurations using one or more Vector Signal Generators R&S SMU200A or R&S SMBV100A. Various examples illustrate how to analyze these signals using the Vector Signal Analyzer R&S FSQ, R&S FSG or R&S FSV.
22-Mar-2010 | AN-No. 1MA173
This application note explains how to create screenshots of Rohde & Schwarz instruments using instrument drivers. The presented examples are written in C (LabWindows/CVI), C# programming language and LabVIEW. The examples are available at the instrument driver download site.
11-Dec-2009 | AN-No. 1MA160
This application note explains the fundamentals of the cell search and cell selection and reselection procedures required for both modes of UMTS Long Term Evolution: FDD and TDD. It describes how to generate and analyze the required signals using Rohde & Schwarz test and measurement solutions. The application note also shows how to perform interoperability tests and terminal conformance tests according to the baseline of the 3GPP specifications for protocol conformance and Radio Resource Management (RRM).
17-Sep-2009 | AN-No. 1MA150
DVB-T Bursted Noise is a tool for generation of DVB-T compatible noise signals. The IQ data can tranferred to WinIQSIM™ / WinIQSIM2™ for further processing and transmission to an AMU, AFQ, AMIQ, SMU, SMIQ.
08-Jul-2009 | AN-No. 1MA51
Modern radio communication systems have to provide higher and higher data rates. As conventional methods like using more bandwidth or higher order modulation types are limited, new methods of using the transmission channel have to be used. Multiple antenna systems (Multiple Input, Multiple Output – MIMO) gives a significant enhancement to data rate and channel capacity. This application note gives an introduction to basic MIMO concepts and terminology and explains how MIMO is implemented in different radio communications standards.
02-Jul-2009 | AN-No. 1MA142
This application note describes remote operation or monitoring of the signal and spectrum analyzers R&S® FSV3, R&S® FSV7, R&S® FSV13, R&S® FSV30 through a standard web browser. The common cross-platform technology Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is used as a server on the instrument.
15-Jan-2009 | AN-No. 1EF67
This application note illustrates the operation of the OFDM measurement software R&S FSQ-K96. It describes applications, setup, features, settings and results. Further it concentrates on generating the configuration file for R&S FSQ-K96, the appropriate IQ data files for Signal Analyzer R&S FSQ and waveform files for R&S Signal Generators. With this description the user obtains a complete R&S test solution for signal generation and analysis of generic OFDM signals.
17-Oct-2008 | AN-No. 1EF65