17 Results
NAVICS is a turnkey solution for all naval vessel classes that provides reliable, secure and operationally proven voice and data communications.
NAVICS Referenz Combat support ship - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
NAVICS Referenz Frigate F125 - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
NAVICS Referenz Cape Class Patrol Boats - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
NAVICS Referenz Bonifaz class frigate F-110 - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
NAVICS - Enhanced connectivity for today's naval vessels - Brochure Brochures and Data Sheets Brochure
Beyond the line-of-sight communications for RAN destroyers
Extended warranty: High investment protection with regard to minimal operating costs
English (PD 5213.9628.12)
Civil and military missions require that all entities involved can communicate efficiently and reliably. While voice communications continues to play an important role, data communications is increasingly gaining in importance. R&S®Postman III is a forward-looking radiocommunications solution for IP based data transmission.
Regular service meetings: Keep in touch worldwide
Romanian Navy’s COSAR class minelayer, vice admiral Constantin Balescu 274 - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
A reliable partner for the navy - Poster Brochures and Data Sheets Poster
Obsolescence management: Long-term availability through preventive, proactive and reactive measures
System health check: On a highest performance level
System software maintenance: Keep your system secure and viable in a changing world
We are always there – even if you do not see us