Electronic Design testing – get in touch with the R&S®MXO 5

Electronic design

Get in touch with the R&S®MXO 5

Soluções de teste e medição para satisfazer as necessidades dos desenvolvedores de circuitos eletrônicos

O mundo de hoje é impulsionado pelas últimas tecnologias e tendências industriais e econômicas, como IoT, Indústria 4.0 e energia verde, por um lado; e por mudanças fundamentais no estilo de vida pessoal, como e-saúde, e-mobilidade, casas inteligentes, cidades inteligentes e mídia social, por outro lado. Todas estas tendências criam uma forte demanda por uma nova geração de dispositivos eletrônicos que atendam aos requisitos desafiadores de durabilidade, mobilidade, conectividade, desempenho, eficiência de energia, robustez e altas taxas de transferência de dados.

Como resultado direto dessas demandas, os engenheiros eletrônicos atualmente enfrentam desafios cada vez mais complexos ao projetar e desenvolver arquiteturas de placa integradas. Nossas soluções abrangentes e sofisticadas de teste e medição incluem equipamentos de laboratório clássicos, ferramentas manuais e atendem inúmeras aplicações para os setores de

  • Testes e design analógicos/digitais
  • Padrões de barramento e interface digitais
  • Eletrônica de potência

Nossas soluções

Teste de design digital

Use nossas soluções completas de teste e medição para integridade de sinal e potência, padrões de barramento e interface digitais, estímulo e análise de sinais analógicos/digitais, depuração de EMC e design de conversores de dados.

Mais Informações

Testes de interface digital de alta velocidade

As interfaces digitais de alta velocidade estão no núcleo de todos os projetos eletrônicos. O aumento das velocidades de transmissão e a crescente densidade de integração criam novos desafios para os projetos nos níveis de circuitos integrados (IC), placas e sistemas.

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Eletrônica de potência

Gerencie todos os aspectos de testes de eletrônica de potência com nossas soluções para eletrônica de potência integrada e circuitos integrados, instalações eletrônicas, iluminação e controladores.

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Testes abrangentes de sistemas de terminação de modem a cabo (CMTS) DOCSIS 3.1, amplificadores de rede a cabo, lasers, componentes de rede e modens a cabo.

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Rohde & Schwarz at embedded world 2024 in Nuremberg

Test & measurement for embedded systems

Solving complex test and measurement challenges requires innovative solutions from a reliable partner.

Join us at our booth in hall 4 I booth 218 from April 9 to April 11, 2024.


What is design verification testing?

Verification of a device means checking that the performance of the device matches the expectations both during development and once development is complete. These expectations can be set internally by the organization commissioning the device, or externally by standards also available to other device developers.
For signal processing devices, the increasing complexity and speed of the device, and the reductions in signal levels together make verification ever more complex. Verification involves ensuring that signal values and parameters always remain within acceptable limits under a wide range of conditions.

What is electronics testing?

Electronics testing means checking that a circuit using semi-conductors is performing correctly. While electronics testing includes fundamental properties such as voltage, current, resistance, conductance and capacitance, almost certainly the properties of the signals transmitted by the circuit will be the major reason for testing. Measurements on signal integrity (quality) such as noise or distortion, or out of the stipulated frequency band do not require demodulation. If the data transmitted by the signal shall be tested to check whether the content is correct, demodulation functions for the appropriate data communication standard are required. The expected results of electronic testing depend on the stage in the life cycle of the device under test (DUT). During development, accurate measurements resulting in values to check against the specification are required. During production, high speed testing with a pass/fail result will meet the test requirements.

What is electronic testing used to test?

So long as “electronic” is taken to mean any circuit using semi-conductors to manipulate electrons, “electronic testing” is used to test any properties of the circuit that can be measured; almost entirely electrical properties, which can be measured at various levels. At the fundamental level, properties such as voltage, current, resistance, conductance and capacitance, can be measured using a multimeter. At the higher level of the signals transmitted by the circuit, measurements on signal integrity (quality) such as noise or distortion, or out of the stipulated frequency band, are measured with respect to frequency using signal and spectrum analysis, and with respect to time with oscilloscope functions. If the data transmitted by the signal shall be tested to check whether the content is correct, demodulation functions for the appropriate data communication standard are required.

What is signal and power integrity?

In electronics, integrity is whether the expected performance and characteristics of the signal processing from input signal to output signal are being met. Signal integrity refers to the quality of the signal, whether the signal waveform is as anticipated, and the degree to which the waveform is deformed by noise, jitter, and distortion. Power integrity refers to whether the anticipated voltage and current levels are present at all times at the selected test location in the circuit, and parameters such as unplanned variations in level, and planned speed of change in level. Integrity is inevitably associated with testing, as the degree of integrity can only demonstrated by taking measurements and comparing the results to the specification. Poor signal or power integrity results in reduced performance and data transmission errors.

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