Testes de redes móveis

Testes de redes móveis

Maximize a qualidade e o desempenho das redes

O desempenho de redes e serviços é crucial para que a qualidade da experiência (QoE) e a qualidade de serviço (QoS) ideais sejam alcançadas. Mas os testes regulares e a otimização contínua são fatores chave para garantir a satisfação do cliente e proteger os investimentos na rede.

As soluções para testes de redes móveis da Rohde & Schwarz permitem que você solucione dilemas atuais e futuros. Nosso extenso e diversificado portfólio de produtos fornece todos os softwares, hardwares e recursos necessários para você oferecer serviços melhores com qualidade maior para os clientes e, ao mesmo tempo, permitir que os fornecedores aumentem o valor de suas redes e produtos.

Testes de redes 5G

O 5G NR é a nova tecnologia de acesso via rádio para o padrão de comunicações móveis da próxima geração

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Private network testing

Find test solutions that ensure reliable private networks for business-critical use cases.

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Engenharia de redes

Verifique novas tecnologias, recursos e serviços no laboratório

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Procura por interferências

Localize e elimine todos os tipos de interferência

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Verification & acceptance

Streamline network verification and acceptance with user-friendly test solutions.

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Benchmarking de redes

Compare a sua rede com a dos concorrentes

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Otimização de redes

Cumpra os objetivos de cobertura, qualidade e desempenho do serviço

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Novidades do mundo de testes de redes móveis

Educational Note: Field measurements in mobile networks for regulators

Field measurements of network coverage and QoE are essential for regulators to validate license obligations and foster a healthy competition.

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Educational Note: Mobile network testing in mission-critical networks

Mission-critical networks currently in migration to broadband and the MCX network testing play a crucial role in enabling communication for various public safety agencies.

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Educational Note: Machine learning based network optimization

Machine learning use cases like network utilization rating and call stability score extract insights from network data analytics enabling network optimization.

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Tech talk: Verify networks to be prepared for business-critical applications

The tech talk provides an overview about business-critical applications of private 5G networks and discusses how to verify network performance.

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Educational Note: Part 1 of cable & antenna verification

Return loss and decoupling measurements on antenna systems are crucial for proper operation of mobile networks.

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Tech talk: Mission-critical networks can save lives – how to verify them?

In this 30 minutes tech talk we will talk about MCX use cases, the current status and requirements to mission-critical networks.

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Aderimos ao programa de parceiros empresariais da Industry 4.0 da Ericsson

A Ericsson está trabalhando com a Rohde & Schwarz para garantir instalações industriais perfeitas e seguras nos ecossistemas Industry 4.0.

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Rohde & Schwarz at Mobile World Congress 2024

Rohde & Schwarz at Mobile World Congress 2024

Enabling Connections, Empowering Innovations

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Our expertise

Mobile voice quality testing

Rohde & Schwarz is the industry reference for measuring perceived voice quality in mobile networks

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Mobile video quality testing

Mobile video from an end-user perspective according to ETSI and ITU standards

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4X4 MIMO network testing

Test the performance and capacity of MIMO networks

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Read the mobile network testing stories & insights

Read the mobile network testing stories & insights

Meet our experts and find out what they have to say about the latest trends and innovations in mobile network testing.

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