14 Results
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
This application note outlines two different approaches for remote-controlling Rohde & Schwarz instruments out of MathWorks MATLAB:The first one uses VISA connection and direct SCPI commands.The second approach takes advantage of Rohde & Schwarz VXI plug&play instrument drivers and MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox.
12-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
Noise Power Ratio Signal Generation and Measurement
Noise Power Ratio (NPR) is an add-on tool for WinIQSIM™ to generate noise power ratio stimulus signals and measure the resulting noise power ratio of a device under test (DUT) using Rohde & Schwarz instruments via LAN or GPIB bus.
06-Nov-2015 | AN-No. 1MA29
Rohde & Schwarz signal generators can generate standard-compliant WLAN IEEE 802.11ac signals up to 160 MHz bandwidth with excellent EVM performance. This application note demonstrates the generator test solutions and explains step-by-step how to configure a test signal. Several measurements are presented to illustrate EVM performance.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1GP94
The R&S MATLAB® Toolkit for Signal Generators provides routines for remote controlling these instruments. Additional MATLAB® scripts turn I/Q vectors into the Rohde & Schwarz waveform file format for use with an ARB. This application note describes the installation and use of the R&S MATLAB® Toolkit on Microsoft Widows and Linux based systems.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1GP60
This document describes how a Windows®-based R&S® T&M instrument is remotely operated by an Apple iPad as if working on it locally. Step-by-step procedures are provided for setting up and configuring the T&M instrument and the iPad. On the iPad, a special App implements the Windows® 'Remote Desktop' functionality. T&M instrument and iPad are connected via WLAN (also denoted as Wi-Fi network).
28-Mar-2013 | AN-No. 1MA216
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
01-Jan-2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
The use of Rohde & Schwarz device drivers under VEE software is not complicated. However, a number of factors are involved, the errors that occur are often difficult to diagnose. This application provides easy and detailed support for installation and troubleshooting using National Instruments or Agilent GPIB boards.
20-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
The foregoing application note is intended for everyone who desires to become more familiar with the use and upload of custom data in ARB, digital modulation and RF list mode. Particularly, this note describes the instruments R&S® SMW200A, R&S® SGT100A, R&S® SMBV100A, R&S® SMU200A, R&S® SMJ100A and R&S® SMATE200A and provides an overview of already available solutions as well as it gives hints for the writing of own applications. Please also see the application note 1GP88 for the ARB Toolbox software and the application note 1GP96 for the CDM-Toolbox software.
22-Dec-2010 | AN-No. 1GP62
This application note describes how to connect R&S® test and measurement products quickly and seamlessly to AWR® Visual System Simulator™ (VSS) via a GPIB or LAN interface. Using AWR® Connected™ customized for Rohde & Schwarz hardware and R&S® WinIQSIM2™ signal simulation software, the flexibility of digital radio standards is highlighted and its integration into VSS is demonstrated.
20-May-2010 | AN-No. 1MA174
Vector signals at microwave frequencies can easily be generated by the direct upconversion of I/Q baseband signals. A versatile and cost-efficient solution consists of an R&S®SMF100A microwave signal generator combined with a baseband source (e.g. the R&S®AFQ100A) and an external I/Q mixer. This application note describes how to perform the frequency upconversion.
28-Jul-2009 | AN-No. 1GP76
DVB-T Bursted Noise is a tool for generation of DVB-T compatible noise signals. The IQ data can tranferred to WinIQSIM™ / WinIQSIM2™ for further processing and transmission to an AMU, AFQ, AMIQ, SMU, SMIQ.
08-Jul-2009 | AN-No. 1MA51
This application note describes how to use the Rohde & Schwarz software tool ‘RsBatchConvert.exe’ for the conversion of binary data or WinIQSIM generated AMIQ waveforms into the new waveform format. The tool not only rescales I/Q data contained in the file but also changes the K-option requirement from WinIQSIM Kxx to the new WinIQSIM2 K2xx options. Thus, new instruments with installed K2xx options may be used to continue using existing waveform files.
18-Jun-2009 | AN-No. 1GP64