Battery Simulation with DC power supply R&S®NGM200 and source measure unit R&S®NGU201
This application note is about creating your own battery model for the R&S®NGM200 or R&S®NGU201, beyond the standard models provided within the battery simulation option NGM-K106. The main purpose is to gradually discharge a battery or a rechargeable battery using the internal QuickArb function. The discharge of the battery can then be recorded using the fast data logging functionality FastLog. The recorded data are stored in a .CSV file. This file can then be adapted to be used as a battery model in the battery simulation mode of the R&S®NGM200. For this purpose, Rohde & Schwarz provides a tool for developers to make their work easier. This tool calculates all the data required for a battery model.
Note: More advanced tools are available with application notes 1GP130 (Battery Cycle Tool) and 1GP136 (Battery Simulation)