T&M solution
A Rohde&Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzer, such as the R&S®FSW, equipped with the R&S®FSx-K30 noise figure measurements option is ideal to accurately measure and analyze noise figure and gain even in the millimeterwave range. An external harmonic mixer such as the R&S®FS‑Z170 extends the analyzer’s frequency range up to 170 GHz
Noise figure and gain are commonly measured with the Y‑factor method. This technique utilizes a noise source, such as the noise diode (model ISSN-06) from ELVA with a frequency range from 110 GHz to 170 GHz, to provide an excessive noise ratio (ENR) to the device under test. To increase the analyzer’s sensitivity and achieve reproducible and reliable results, an additional low noise preamplifier such as the RPG D-LNA 110-170 in front of the mixer is recommended (RPG is a Rohde&Schwarz company).