FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

EMC32, data exchange from EMC32 to Vector CANoe


We are performing EMS Tests and we need live data of frequency and level. The two values are to be read out from EMC32 and transferred to Vector CANoe, the intention is to synchronize with the corresponding values for frequency and level. Are there any ready to use tools available, to read the required data from EMC32?


Yes, there is a ready to use tool available. With the EMCAN32 software (available on EMC32 CD-ROM), EMC32 is able to communicate with Vector CANoe. You will also find documentation for EMCAN32 on the EMC32 CD ROM. The PDF describes hardware/software requirements, installation of the software and configuration. EMCAN32 allows besides monitoring on the CAN bus also data exchange of Environment Variables. This can be e.g. the frequency or the Test level.

Environment Variables Tab

By clicking on the Environment Variables tab the table of Environment Variables used for the data exchange between EMC32 and CANoe is shown. It has to be verified for each environment variable added to the table wether the variable is not already available in the table.

Environment variables tab