After a RAM battery change on the mainboard, the hard disk drive is not recognized any more: HDD NONE !
After a RAM battery change on the mainboard, the hard disk drive is not recognized any more: HDD NONE !
Connect a keyboard to the UPL and press DEL while booting the UPL to open the AWARD BIOS.
Due to the powerless time, the BIOS has been set to "DEFAULT".
First, set all positions in the folder "INTEGRATED PERIPHERAL SETTINGS" to "DISABLED".
The hard disk drive is not connected to the mainboard, but to the digital board.
Then go to the folder Standard CMOS SETUP and set the Primary Master of the PCI/ISA bus to "AUTO"
and the "HALT On :" to "All, But Keyboard".
After you have made these settings, the hard disk drive should be detected again.
Set the correct time and boot sequence (C: first ) and store and exit the BIOS.