FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

Reading the magnitude (dB) and phase (degrees) values directly


I am measuring the S parameter with the ZVB and extracting the measured data.

The values that I am getting are real and imaginary numbers.

Can I directly read out the magnitude (dB) and phase (degrees) from the ZVB?


You can directly read out the magnitude and the phase from the ZVB8.

First you have to display a trace with the magnitude and another trace with the phase. Then you can read the formatted data.

Here is an example which shows the magnitude of S11 in Trc1 and the phase of S11 in Trc2, and then reads out the magnitude and phase values of S11

INIT:CONT OFF 'Switch to single sweep

CALC1:PAR:MEAS 'Trc1','S11' ''Trc1' in channel 1 to measure 's11'

CALC1:PAR:SEL 'Trc1' 'Activate trace Trc1 in channel 1

CALC1:FORM MLOG 'Set trace 1 to magnitude

CALC1:PAR:SDEF 'Trc2','S11' ''Trc2' in channel 1 to measure 's11'

CALC1:PAR:SEL 'Trc2' 'Activate trace Trc2 in channel 1

CALC1:FORM PHAS 'Set trace 2 to phase

DISPLAY:WINDOW1:STATE ON 'Display the window

DISP:WIND1:TRAC2:FEED 'Trc2' 'Assign the trace to the window

INIT:IMM;*OPC 'Start sweep

== Wait now for the OPC-Bit ==

CALC:DATA:DALL? FDATA 'Get the formatted data of both traces - first all magnitude values and then all phase values