80 seconds - Static body scanner for contactless screening

Learn more about the R&S®QPS system’s high-resolution technology, which detects concealed threats and contraband faster and more effectively than any other personal screening system today.
The R&S®QPS millimeterwave personnel scanning system delivers the most accurate measurement results in 2.5 s. The instantaneous scan requires only 64 ms or five times faster than the blink of an eye, virtually eliminating the ambiguous readings that occur due to accidental movement with the longer scan time of current imaging technology.
The detection software uses machine-trained algorithms to search for conspicuous objects of all material types.
The scanner searches for anomalies indicating unusual objects rather than for certain items, enabling it to discover unknown and new threats. The R&S®QPS is designed for implicit privacy. Rather than generating photographic images, it evaluates physical information. Detected locations of interest are marked on a symbolic body graphic.