5G is now - video series

In our video series, the authors of the 5G NR book take a closer look at all aspects of the technology, discuss challenges and solutions and demonstrate test and measurement examples.

Explainer video: Using digital twin techniques to optimize automotive antennas

Discover how combining simulation software and test hardware can accelerate the development of automotive antennas optimize their position and ensure robust wireless connectivity inside vehicles.


#ThinkSix – Towards an AI-native air interface in 6G

Watch this video to learn more about cross-vendor interoperability testing between machine learning (ML) models.


Partnership video: R&S and IPTE collaborate on 5G TCU production testing

Find out how the collaboration between Rohde & Schwarz and IPTE enables TCU vendors to bridge the gap between product development and validation to and automated production.


EMC standards update: RED


How to qualify devices without accessible antenna ports according to RED and FCC

Many IoT and connected devices rely on wireless technology, such as Wi-Fi. Their compact design often excludes an accessible antenna port, creating an additional test challenge when it comes to demonstrating compliance with RED or FCC regulations.


Explainer video: Next Generation eCall

This video explains how eCall and next generation eCall work then shows the test process from GNSS module to TCU and vehicle level.


Product video: R&S®RadEsT – The essential in radar testing

The R&S®RadEsT automotive radar essential tester is provides OEMS and Tier 1s with dynamic and precise target generation for debugging of reference designs and software.


CERTIUM VCS architecture

Understand the decentralized high redundant architecture of the full IP CERTIUM VCS system providing maximum availability and flexibility for all customer needs.


THz communication explained

Get an overview of THz communications. Explore key applications and test challenges.



The easy customization of the GUI reduces the necessity for extensive GUI training for the air traffic controller.


Application video: Dürr and R&S solution for ADAS/AD functional testing for EOL and PTI

Dürr and R&S have developed an innovative, cost-effective solution for over-the-air (OTA) vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) ADAS/AD testing. This solution validates conformity and effectiveness during end-of-line (EOL) testing or periodical technical inspection (PTI).



Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide portfolio of gateways for a seamless integration of legacy applications into IP infrastructures.


5G RedCap – Network Testing

The video shows an overview about 5G RedCap basics and its verification with field measurements.


Case study: Security screening at Denver International Airport


What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse and XR - Part 1: Join us as we delve into the fundamental ideas of the Metaverse and its symbiotic relationship with extended reality (XR). Discover how these emerging paradigms promise to reshape our reality and propel us into a new era of connectivity and experience.


The role of 5G and 6G

The metaverse and XR - Part 2: Join us and get an introduction to addressing new network challenges. Discover how 5G and 6G will enable the next generation of immersive experiences.


5G and 5G-Advanced

The metaverse and XR - Part 3: Join us and learn about the 5G and 5G-Advanced features that are laying the foundation for 6G high-fidelity XR and large-scale metaverse experiences.


E2E testing of XR use cases

The metaverse and XR - Part 4: Join us for an introduction to our work in developing an E2E testbed for XR use cases.


R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system


Exceptional performance for next generation radiomonitoring

More and more devices will share the radio spectrum in the coming years. The R&S®ESMW helps regulators keep pace. Gain insights from the Mobile World Congress.


Curious for microwave imaging applications and their advantages compared to alternative (e.g. camera, scales or x-ray) methods?

Watch this video to get insights on the interpretations of captured images, possible conclusions and practical applications.


Advanced Technology Solutions Made by Rohde & Schwarz


End-to-end mission control communications system R&S®M4ACS in field deployments


R&S and NOFFZ collaborate on automotive radar sensor production testing

The partnership between R&S and NOFFZ, combines the expertise of R&S radar object simulation and NOFFZ experience in turnkey production test systems to give automotive radar sensor suppliers a seamless path from development to validation and volume manufacturing.


R&S®QPS Walk2000 for mobile event security solutions and crowd control


5G Broadcast


Ensuring ADAS functionality during Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI)


Hardware setup

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to set up the test hardware.


System path calibration

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to calibrate the system path..


Device List

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to set up the devices..


Test Template

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to create a test template


Tools setting

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to configure the test basics.


Test Report Configuration

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to configure the test report.


EUT Test Template

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to create the EUT test template.


Reference Calibration Test Report

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to create the reference calibration and the test report.


Run test

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to run the test.


Path switching

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to set up the signal path switching.


Attenuation Table

Learn in this short video about R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software how to assign the attenuation table.


6G Applications

The metaverse is a virtual space where people come together to interact with one another and explore a computer-generated world. Watch this video to learn about the direction of 6G, XR applications and more.


Semiconductor Technologies

There are several different semiconductor technologies that are currently being discussed for 6G. Watch this video for a deeper insight into the main challenges and findings on semiconductor technologies


Case Study: Riverlane

How does Rohde & Schwarz support Riverlane to overcome their quantum computing innovation challenges?


Case study: Riverlane

What is Quantum computing and how will these technical advances benefit the world? Hear from Riverlane on their industry leading innovations.


THz Communication

Watch this video for an overview of THz communication research, requirements and test equipment.


Joint communication and sensing (JCAS)

Discover the insights of Rohde & Schwarz experts and other industry leaders as they discuss the applications and challenges of this exciting technology.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Learn about the role that AI and ML may play in signal processing, battery-powered mobile devices and more.


6G major research areas

Discover the insights of Rohde & Schwarz experts and other industry leaders as they discuss the pivotal research areas driving the evolution of wireless technology.


6G Overview and vision

Rohde & Schwarz is not just an observer; we're actively shaping the future of 6G as part of various research projects. Join us on this journey toward a wireless world. Together, we'll make it extraordinary.


Application video: Measuring with the R&S®QAR50

Learn more about the QAR50's measurement capabilities and unique features within this 5 minute video.


Case study video: 5G Automotive testing at the University of Warwick

Find out how R&S test equipment and expertise enabled WMG to understand how future wireless technologies can be applied to future vehicles. WMG is leading the way in autonomous and connected vehicles research and their 5G test bed provides a very valuable resource, bringing together the complete connected vehicle ecosystem from infrastructure vendors and operators to Tier1s and OEMs to develop the next generation of autonomous vehicles.


CAN bus trigger and decode using the R&S®MXO4 oscilloscope

Watch this video to get a practical demonstration of how to use the MXO4 oscilloscope’s CAN bus trigger and decode capability to debug CAN interfaces and busses.


Explainer video: R&S®ATS1500C Anechoic chamber – the perfect choice for automotive radar

With the ability to generate reference targets (with an R&S®AREG800A) with minimum reflections, and the highest measurement accuracy, all in a very small physical footprint, the ATS1500C is the perfect choice for automotive radar RF performance characterization & calibration as well compliance and interference testing.


#ThinkSix - Validating a Machine-Learning Based Neural Receiver with 5G NR Multiple MIMO Signals

Using Machine Learning (ML) powered by Artificial Intelligence for signal processing tasks in wireless communication really is beginning to move from theory to practice. Watch this video for a demonstration of the first hardware setup capable of validating the performance of a self-training neural receiver.


Monitoring elevated to a new level

Learn more about aerial measurement systems in real implementations.


Video: Interference Hunting – Identifying and mitigating interference sources

Watch our video and learn more about the process of interference hunting from identification over verification to precise location and mitigation of interference sources.


Explainer video: How Full-Vehicle OTA Antenna Testing ensures infotainment Quality of Service

Infotainment Quality of Service is a competitive differentiator for vehicle manufacturers. However, the delivery of digital services to vehicles relies on robust wireless connectivity, and a critical element in the communication chain are the vehicle antennas. Watch this video to how learn OTA testing in a controlled environment can verify the antenna performance and ensure infotainment Quality of Service.


Drone based measurements

Drone inspection requires more than just a drone and a receiver: A small and light antenna, a permanent data link to the ground, very precise and lightweight GNSS, and robust immunity to RF interferers inside and outside the drone are also needed, along with low weight and reasonable battery life.


Sustainable design of ATC communications systems

Rohde & Schwarz plays its role and presents a pragmatic way to contribute towards making aviation sustainable.


Effective drone detection

Controlled drones repeatedly violate privacy, protected area boundaries and air traffic safety. Regardless of the intention of the drone pilot, drones pose a serious security risk.


80 seconds with CERTIUM Radios

Learn more about the advanced and fully integrated network component, with a security-by-design architecture and extremely flexible network interfaces.


80 seconds with air navigation test solutions

Learn more about the advantages of the Rohde & Schwarz avionics test solutions, how the drone-based air navigation testing evolving and what solution is Rohde & Schwarz offering here.


#ThinkSix - Phase noise characterization in the D-band

This video introduces the topic of phase noise, demonstrates a test setup for investigating phase noise for the latest communication systems, and with D band (110-170 GHz) frequencies a hot tip for 6G research.


CERTIUM ANALYSIS Interference Hunting in an airport environment

In this video, Rohde & Schwarz explains how the R&S®PR200 portable receiver, with 40 MHz bandwidth, is able to clean the spectrum and identify, locate and eliminate all kinds of interference in an airport environment.


Interference Hunting in 5G networks

Learn more about the PR200 portable monitoring receiver and in particular the gated spectrum trigger function that enables users to effectively separate uplink and downlink TDD signals, on the spectrum display.


Video: Network benchmarking – Gain QoE-centric insights on your own and your competitor’s networks

Watch our video and learn more how our integrated network benchmarking solution supports you along the process from campaign planning, to efficient data collection and actionable insights.


#ThinkSix - 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)

This video introduces Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) and presents how Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces can achieve previously unattainable coverage, spectral and power efficiency, and reduced propagation.


#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 3.

This video looks into the future to see whether this work can transform the air interface for a 6G standard.


Explainer video: High precision GNSS for automotive applications

The video concludes with a summary of high-precision GNSS capabilities and challenges as well as the role of testing in ensuring reliability, particularly for safety-critical applications.


5G RedCap


#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 2.

This video introduces the effectiveness of the Machine Learning-based procedure for an use case.


RSJ Oscilloscope Solution Section 1


C_RSJ Oscilloscope Solution Section 2


C_RSJ Oscilloscope Solution Section 3


C_RSJ Oscilloscope Solution Section 5


C_RSJ Oscilloscope Solution Section 4


#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 1.

This video introduces the background theory and terminology of AI and ML.


#ThinkSix - Spectrum for 6G

This video runs through the frequencies from 7.125 GHz to 24.25 GHz, highlighting the bands with the maximum potential for next-generation wireless services.


R&S®AVQA - Ground-ground monitor

Voice quality assurance is key for safe airspace operations. The R&S®AVQA G/G monitor provides a detailed information on the G/G connection between controller working positions but also between centers and airports. The quality data are recorded with a granularity of five seconds, providing a very detailed statistics.


R&S®AVQA - RSSI monitor

The RSSI monitor in R&S®AVQA provides a great opportunity for long-term signal and noise monitoring of the radio infrastructure. Using the flags in the ED-137 voice stream, R&S®AVQA non-intrusively analyzes the RSSI level. Based on the squelch information, R&S®AVQA automatically differs between the signal and noise and reports this accordingly.


R&S®AVQA - loopback monitor

R&S®AVQA loopback monitor provides a non-intrusive end to end test of the entire ATC voice communications system. Using the patented technology of correlating the ground-based receptions with the ground-based transmissions, the system provides non-intrusive analyses of the entire communication chain.


R&S®AVQA - Air-ground monitor

Voice quality assurance is indispensable for airspace operations. R&S®AVQA A/G monitor provides a detailed information on the A/G connection between radio and VCS system. The fully flexible dashboard provides a high-level overview and allows a quick drill-down to the particular connection.


Watch the '5G is now' video series to gain more insights into the 5G technology or read the 5G technology book online at www.rohde-schwarz.com/5G-ebook.