77 Results
Models: R&S®SMJ100A
Models: R&S®SMJ100A
Models: R&S®SMJ100A
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator - Specifications
R&S SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator - Product Brochure
How to Run WCDMA BER/ BLER Tests Using R&S Vector Signal Generators
06-Mar-2009 | AN-No. 1MA144
Transmitter Tests in Accordance with the CTIA Plan for Wi-Fi Mobile Converged Devices
11-Oct-2006 | AN-No. 1MA107
Measuring Electro Magnetic Disturbance During ISO/IEC 14443 Chipcard Data Transmission
19-Oct-2007 | AN-No. 1MA120
This application note provides insight into some of these specifications and how test and measurement equipment can simplify the task of deriving requirements for RF sub-systems.
10-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1MA221
Tests of Power Amplifiers for Single-Channel and Multi-Channel TD-SCDMA Base Stations
31-Jul-2007 | AN-No. 1MA103
Pulse Train Master for the R&S Signal Generators
10-May-2011 | AN-No. 1MA148
High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) White Paper
09-Feb-2006 | AN-No. 1MA94
TD-SCDMA Test Signals in Accordance with Standards TS 34.122 and TS 25.142
10-May-2007 | AN-No. 1MA104
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
CDMA2000<sup>®</sup> Base Station Tests With the R&S<sup>®</sup>SMU200A Vector Signal Generator and Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzers
15-Sep-2009 | AN-No. 1MA109
Measurements on 3GPP WCDMA User Equipment According to Standard TS 34.121
10-Dec-2008 | AN-No. 1MA68
Importing Data in ARB, Custom Digital Modulation and RF List Mode
22-Dec-2010 | AN-No. 1GP62
WiMAX - Generating and analyzing 802.16-2004 and 802.16e-2005 signals
10-Jul-2006 | AN-No. 1MA97
HSDPA - Challenges for UE Power Amplifier Design
11-Jul-2011 | AN-No. 1MA84
This application note explains how to set up a vector signal generator for LTE FDD repeater conformance testing accordingg to various test cases defined in the 3GPP Technical Specification 36.143.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1GP85
Measurements on RFID Components According to ISO/IEC 14443 Standard
25-Jan-2010 | AN-No. 1MA113
This application note explains how to test your remote radio head with Rohde & Schwarz test and measurement equipment.
05-Aug-2013 | AN-No. 1GP78
Connectivity of R&S<sup>®</sup> Test Solutions with AWR<sup>®</sup> Visual System Simulator™ (VSS)
20-May-2010 | AN-No. 1MA174
Noise Power Ratio Signal Generation and Measurement
Noise Power Ratio is a tool for WinIQSIM™ to generate noise power ratio stimulus signals and measure the resulting noise power ratio of a device.
06-Nov-2015 | AN-No. 1MA29
Assisting Tools for Operation of Windows-Based T&M Instruments
13-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1MA218
Technical specifications of the R&S®Pulse Sequencer Software options for the R&S®SMW200A, R&S®SMM100A, R&S®SMBV100A, R&S®SMBV100B, R&S®SGT100A, R&S®SMU200A, R&S®SMJ100A signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz.
The R&S MATLAB® Toolkit for Signal Generators provides scripts and routines for remote controlling Rohde & Schwarz signal generators. For example, it includes a MATLAB® script that turns I/Q vectors into the R&S waveform file format for use with an ARB generator.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1GP60
Additional Tests on CDMA2000® Mobile Stations in Accordance with Standard TIA-98
05-Jan-2012 | AN-No. 1MA86
This document describes how a Windows®-based R&S® T&M instrument is remotely operated by an Apple iPad as if working on it locally.
28-Mar-2013 | AN-No. 1MA216