8 Results
Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide range of essential lab equipment, like power supplies, LCR meters and power analyzers. To enhance the versatility of these instruments, a selection of application programs is available. These application programs typically remote-control equipment for more complex tasks like sweeps, logging and battery testing.In a larger lab there may be a larger number of such instruments present, and a selection of available application programs installed on a PC. In such a case it is desirable to have a kind of dashboard providing an overview over both, including version check and links to documentation on the Rohde & Schwarz website. The R&S® application dashboard for power supplies and meters is providing this functionality. The application document contains the description and user manual for the software. Furthermore a package is provided containing installers for all related application programs.
13-Sep-2024 | AN-No. 1GP140
This application note is about creating your own battery model for the R&S®NGM200 and R&S®NGU201, beyond the standard models provided within the battery simulation option NGM-K106 and NGU-K106. To get to a battery model, a few steps are required. To determine the parameters for the battery model, it is necessary to discharge a battery using a selected method, to record the data and to calculate the model on this basis. With this software, a connection can be established to the instrument, batteries can be measured using various measurement methods, and a model can then be created from these measurements. These models, which are determined from the measurements, can then be simulated with the power supply, thus creating a digital twin of the battery. Using these, test scenarios can be carried out in a safe and reproducible environment.
21-Nov-2022 | AN-No. 1GP136
This application note applies to DC power supplies R&S®NGL200, R&S®NGM200, R&S®NGP800, R&S®NGU201 and R&S®NGU401, as well as LCR meters R&S®LCX100 and R&S®LCX200. It provides an overview over ethernet-based remote services provided by the referenced R&S® instruments. These services comprise an instrument web page, VNC remote control and FTP file transfer between the instrument and a remote computer. The application note gives instructions on how to set up the instrument and the remote computer in order to be able to utilize these services.
19-May-2022 | AN-No. 1GP135
Battery life time is usually one of the most important specifications for battery-powered devices. Depending on the application, life time requirements can range from tens of hours for typical wearables like smart watches to ten years for smart sensors. Understanding where and when energy is used in order to minimize power consumption is therefore key for any of these devices.The power consumption analysis tool was developed to make it easier for customers to analyze power consumption data collected with either the NGL, NGM or NGU power supplies from Rohde & Schwarz. It allows to easily capture power consumption data and analyze using basic measurements.
31-Jan-2022 | AN-No. 1SL380
The application program of this application note provides a tool for cycling battery samples, using two-quadrant DC power supplies from Rohde & Schwarz. The batteries can be repeatedly charged and discharged while collecting information about open-circuit voltage, loaded voltage and internal resistance, depending on the charged and discharged capacity. The tool provides a variety of charts for displaying the collected data. It can be used for characterizing battery samples, as well as for creating battery models which can be used in the battery simulations of R&S®NGU201 and R&S®NGM200.This tool is meant for the use by knowledgeable experts. The application note does not provide instructions on how to properly charge and discharge batteries.
17-Dec-2021 | AN-No. 1GP130
Source measure units R&S®NGU401 and R&S®NGU201 are capable of precise current measurements from sub-microampere up to ampere. This application note provides a tool which generates a voltage or current sweep using the arbitrary function of the instruments. A fast log captures voltage and current values during the sweep. Subsequently the application program determines the voltage and current value for each sweep step and plots the results in an I-V curve .The tool can be utilized to characterize all kinds of two-pole devices like diodes, LEDs and solar panels.This application note can also be used in connection with DC power supplies R&S®NGM201 and R&S®NGM202.
15-Feb-2021 | AN-No. 1GP129
All channels of DC power supplies R&S®NGL200 and R&S®NGM200 are isolated against the grounding equipment conductor and against the digital ground of the instrument. Therefore, channels can be connected in parallel for increasing the current capability, or in series for achieving higher voltages or dual-voltage supplies. In the case of parallel and serial connections it is usually desired to switch all channels simultaneously on and off for protecting the supplied circuitry and for avoiding overcurrent on other power supply channels.This application note describes how to connect and configure DC power supplies R&S®NGL200 and R&S®NGM200 for synchronized on and off switching of all channels across multiple power supplies.
15-Jun-2020 | AN-No. 1GP126
This application program supports the logging and fast logging functionality of the power supplies R&S® NGM200, NGU201 and NGU401. Standard logging is also supported with power supply R&S® NGL200 and NGP800. Power supplies R&S® NGA100 and NGE100 are supported in the data collection mode. Charting functionality is available for logged voltage, current and power values.
14-Nov-2019 | AN-No. 1GP122