10 Results
How can a WiFi connection instead be made to a WiFi network for remote access of the CMW?
During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500.
CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update
How to configure a external trigger at CMW500, CMW290, CMW270 to synchronize with LTE signal time frames
CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans.
CMW500/2xx intenal fan settings to reduce noise CMW500/2xx intenal fan settings to reduce noise
If a CMWrun test plan script has been fished the AC power of a CMW500 / CMW290 / CMW270 should be shut down automaticly.
The CMW500/2xx shows a resource conflict in this situation when using in parallel the RFxCOM port and the RFxOUT port of the same RF-frontend.
Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator
Where to find the latest version of CMW software tools like MARS, MARS Viewer, MCT Message Recorder UICC Tool.