Flexible and cost-effective next generation ATC communications

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  • Strong security for critical infrastructure 
  • Optimized for ATC voice infrastuctures
  • Availability meets highest safety requirements
  • Harmonized solution from a single source 

Brief description

Harmonized secure network infrastructure for ATC voice communications systems

IP networks form the core of ANSP infrastructures and are key for safe airspace operations. The design and protective measures of these ATC networks need to be carefully considered. Rohde & Schwarz has extensive experience in setting up IP networks for ATC and other critical infrastructures. 24/7 operation of critical infrastructure requires highly resilient and secure networks. Rohde & Schwarz provides delay-free and easy-to-implement network encryption for critical infrastructures, as well as a unique ATC session border controller (SBC) for protection on the edges of ATC voice networks. This enhances and secures existing network infrastructures.

Merkmale & Vorteile

Network encryption

Strong and latency free network encryption using R&S®SITLine

R&S®SITLine inline network encryptors provide latency free strong network encryption. It is designed for use in various critical infrastructures, such as ATC voice networks. The encryption can be operated on Layer 2, Layer 3 without the need of topology change. This significantly reduces the risk of misconfiguration during deployment and operation.  Its extremely high availability with MTBF up to 350,000 h and multiple redundancy concepts does not degrade the availability of the communication system. The very low latency between 0.005 ms and 0.15 ms is not even measurable on the voice transmission level, making R&S®SITLine the optimal product for securing ATC voice networks.

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Secure interconnection 

Strong security and high availability interconnection using R&S®ATC-SBC

R&S®ATC-SBC is designed for the direct IP interconnection of the ANSP’s VCS via dedicated IP links or using shared networks, e.g. NewPENS. The SBC provides all necessary security and availability features required by ANSPs for safe and secure interconnections. Any IP VCS compliant with the ED-137 standard can be securely interconnected with each other and maintain the required rich functionality. The unique redundancy features of R&S®ATC-SBC ensure far superior interconnection availability compared to existing analog and TDM solutions.

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Reliable networks

Optimized network switch portfolio for smooth operation

Rohde & Schwarz pays significant attention to the network switch portfolio. All introduced switches are extensively tested in multiple scenarios and environments. Besides compatibility tests with other CERTIUM® products, Rohde & Schwarz carries out tests on performance in different scenarios, such as failover cases and performances. Only switches that pass these strong requirements are provided for the use in customer systems. 

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Future proof

Ready for next generation voice network architecture

ATC communications are critical infrastructures with a corresponding need for availability and security. There is a key trend towards the harmonization of IP communications. For example, LDACS (L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System) technology already uses IP. Aircraft satellite links are also migrating to IP. We may see other technologies like 4G and 5G cellular protocols entering the ATC domain for air-to-ground/ground-to-air communications. Satellite Communication (SATCOM) is going to be a major game changer for ATC. These technological advances are already considered in the CERTIUM® NETWORK system design and concepts.

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Easy deployment 

Eliminating downtime risk during the migration process

The implementation of new technology, such as network encryption, into existing infrastructures brings multiple risks regarding the migration of systems. CERTIUM® NETWORK, in particular R&S®SITLine overcomes this problem with the implentation of a security layer that does not require adressing and toplogy changes in the infrastructure. The migration is as easy as activating the encryption on the edges. This eliminates the downtime risk during the migration process.

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Verfügbare Optionen


Session Border Controller für Flugsicherungsumgebungen

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