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11796 Resultados
HMS, Specifications
The Hameg Value Service is an extra service proviede free of charge by Hameg Instruments GmbH.
List of HAMEG Products with 3 years warranty exention
R&S®CMX-Z25 – port extender for the CMX500 and other applications
The R&S®NGE100B DC power supply series consists of robust, high-performance, affordable instruments. They combine high efficiency with low ripple and a variety of comfort functions not usually found in this class of DC power supply. The R&S®NGE100B is ideal for: -R&D -Education -Manufacturing testing -Maintenance and repair You can now easily configure the R&S®NGE100B DC power supply online. Benefit from full price transparency, the user-friendly configurator and fast purchase request processing with the authorized distribution partner of your choice. Click "Configure and quote" to start configuration.
Their accuracy and fast load recovery times make the R&S®NGL200 power supply series ideal for challenging applications. Their two-quadrant architecture allows the power supplies to function both as a source and a sink to simulate batteries and loads.
R&S®HMP power supplies are primarily designed for industrial use. With two, three or four output channels and up to 10 A output current per channel, these rugged instruments are ideal for a wide variety of applications.
Thanks to their high accuracy and fast load recovery time, R&S®NGM200 power supplies are perfect for challenging applications.
The R&S®NGP800 DC power supply series, comprising five models with 400 W or 800 W, provides maximum power at a variety of operating points. The two or four 200 W outputs can each supply up to 64 V or up to 20 A.
The R&S®NGA100 power supplies are linear, compact and easy to use. All models have excellent readback accuracy with a low-current range for demanding measurements.
High-end manual calibration kits, male and female standards, up to 18 GHz, 33 GHz, S-parameter based characterization.
The R&S®ZNA high-end vector network analyzers offer a DUT-centric approach, an excellent RF-performance, a unique hardware concept and touch-only operation.
R&S®MXO 4 SERIES OSCILLOSCOPE Next generation oscilloscope for accelerated insight
The R&S campus dashboard software simplifies teaching of student groups in laboratories with multiple workbenches. Learn more about the CDS scope software.
R&S®MXO 5 SERIES OSCILLOSCOPE Next generation oscilloscope: evolved for more challenges
Discover the R&S®NGC100 DC power supply series - compact, energy-efficient, and ideal for labs, manufacturing and education. Configure online with full price transparency.
The two-quadrant (R&S®NGU201) and the four-quadrant (R&S®NGU401, R&S®NGU411) provide up to 60 W of power and measurements with up to 6 ½ digit resolution.
R&S®MXO 5C SERIES OSCILLOSCOPE Next generation oscilloscope in a compact form
The modular R&S®OSP can quickly and easily perform RF switching and controlling. Electromechanical RF relays, SSR and digital I/O modules are available.
R&S®HMP power supplies are primarily designed for industrial use. With two, three or four output channels and up to 10 A output current per channel, these rugged instruments are ideal for a wide variety of applications.
Outstanding quality and innovation at a budget friendly price. The R&S®FPC spectrum analyzer provides unrivaled entry class performance, engineered in Germany.
ZN-Z1xx (ZN-Z170, ZN-Z135, ZN-Z129, ZN-Z129E up to 43.5 GHz) Economy Vector Network Analzer Calibration Kits, 4-in-1 design: open, short, match , through combined in a compact unit. Seperate male and female models.
The R&S®NRX power meter base unit with touch screen, support of up to four R&S®NRP and R&S®NRQ power sensors and all sensor-dependent measurement functions.
R&S®ZN-Z2xx: high-end manual calibration kits, male and female standards, up to 110 GHz, S-parameter based characterization.
Switch matrix - configurable switch matrix for up to 48 network analyzer ports, up to 26.5 GHz.
The R&S®BBA300 is a robust, compact, ultra-wide band amplifier for use in critical test environments such as EMC, product validation and OTA coexistence in the frequency range of 380 MHz to 18 GHz and RF output power up to 300 W P1dB.
The R&S®BBA130 is the first tunable class A/AB broadband amplifier for the frequency range of 80 MHz to 6 GHz and rf output power up to 13000 W.