Spectrum Monitoring Vehicle

Spectrum awareness for critical infrastructures

Monitoring sensitive sites

At critical infrastructure sites, reliable availability of the required frequency spectrum is paramount. At airports, container terminals or other critical infrastructure locations, a range of radio services, radars and telemetry transmissions are operated in parallel. They must not be allowed to interfere with each other, and they have to be protected against potential interference from other emissions. By detecting, analyzing and locating interfering or suspicious emissions outside the regular frequency spectrum, spectrum monitoring systems can identify radio emissions from unwanted sources, intruders or other persons using potentially harmful wireless communications near protected facilities. Rohde & Schwarz offers a broad range of spectrum monitoring tools for these applications and for monitoring proper use of the spectrum. The comprehensive set of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum monitoring tools can be used to avoid or quickly mitigate interference.

Increasing frequency use

Communications advancements such as 5G, the internet of things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and other new modes of communications have become a reality. These technologies have also found their way into numerous critical infrastructure sites, such as container terminals, where they can increase maritime cargo throughput. To keep wireless networks operational, preventive spectrum monitoring is advisable.

24/7 spectrum monitoring

Critical infrastructure facilities often operate 24/7. To support these around-the-clock operations, the spectrum monitoring process also has to be continuous. With the digitalization of manufacturing and process plants, countless devices for instrumentation and control are distributed throughout expansive facilities. To accelerate and optimize processes, they often exchange real-time data over wireless networks. But with this new technology comes new vulnerability: exposure to radio interference.

Automatic violation detection

Inside or outside of critical infrastructure sites, a spectrum monitoring system can take measurements in definable radio bands and automatically compare the results with the frequency plan to prevent harmful interference. This enables the system to identify unauthorized emitters and proactively help to ensure interference-free use of the radio spectrum.

The final meters

In the final meters, operators can use portable systems to precisely geolocate interference sources. Equipped with a lightweight receiver and a handheld antenna, these systems are highly efficient. Operators home in on emitters by aiming the directional antenna towards the highest signal level. This lets the operator determine the direction of emitters and gradually narrow down the location of the emissions source.

Interference hunting for aviation safety

Pilots and air traffic controllers must have reliable radio equipment. Any failure or any interference can lead to serious consequences. Therefore radiomonitoring authorities pay special attention to the frequency band to be protected. As a world-leading manufacturer of radiomonitoring equipment, Rohde & Schwarz markets numerous devices and systems for monitoring radio traffic and identifying and locating interference sources.

Radio equipment is the key component in an air traffic control system and has to operate reliably 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a system planner and integrator, Rohde & Schwarz takes every step to exclude system malfunctions as far as possible and builds redundant components into its systems to render faults harmless if they do occur. Failures or malfunctions of third-party equipment, however, are impossible to preclude or prevent. When they happen, they need to be dealt with swiftly and effectively, and this calls for a precise understanding of the nature and origin of the fault.

The Rohde & Schwarz portfolio of radiomonitoring and direction finding equipment provides comprehensive and reliable tools for gathering the necessary information.

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