8 Résultats
A measurement campaign quantifying the impact of intermodulation in 5G TDD networks
Critical infrastructure: With the deployment of TDD networks, the mobile network community recognizes the critical importance of cell synchronization and the use of uniform TDD patterns across different networks for the proper operation of mobile radio networks. Variety of scenarios: Possible scenarios include cross-border situations, interactions between private campus networks and public mobile networks, and accidental synchronization chain breaks or misconfigurations within the mobile network.Measurement techniques: To quantify the effects of non-synchronized cells and using different TDD pattern in neighboring networks, R&S, in collaboration with TU Dresden and Advancing Individual Networks GmbH (AIN), conducted a measurement campaign using movable networks with full control over all network parameters. This campaign measured the effects on uplink and downlink throughput, mapping these to RSSI/RSRP values received at the interfered site.Customer benefits: The available quantification is valuable for predicting and assessing potential interference scenarios before setting up and operating a new cell site.
Sep 11, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT18
Best practices for mobile network testing for business-critical applications
Business-critical infrastructure: Industrial applications require extremely high reliability and availability, as any downtime can result in significant financial losses. Fundamental requirements: Industrial applications often require low latency and even more important a sustainable latency to ensure real-time communication and control. Measurement Techniques: As soon as the radio access network is used, innovative testing methods are needed beforehand to proactively test the network capability and to identify any potential issues. We propose a standard test procedure for the characterization of a network regarding industrial use-cases that covers a representative set of different, common types of network traffic.
Aug 13, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT17
5G NR Reduced Capabilities (RedCap) network scanning
Purpose of RedCap: RedCap is designed for use cases requiring reasonable data throughput, cost-efficient devices, reduced power consumption and smaller device footprint to support applications like wireless industrial sensors, video surveillance and smart wearables in which ultralow latency isn’t essential.Technology basics: Understanding the technology basics helps facing configuration complexities and avoiding potential coexistence issues with regular 5G.RedCap field verification: New mobile network technology introductions like 5G RedCap benefit from field measurements during their typical life-cycle phases (engineering, network roll-out, and operation).Measurement Techniques: In early phases of new technologies, passive network measurements using network scanners are reliable and effective in detecting actual network and cell configurations.
Apr 23, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT13
Best practices for national regulatory authorities
Key points:Importance of field measurements: Traditional network planning tools and models only offer an estimated view of mobile coverage. Field measurements are conducted under real geographical and load conditions, and therefore provide a more accurate picture and can discover interferences more effectively. Coverage investigations: When deploying a mobile network, operators must adhere to regulatory standards and licensing conditions. As a result, regulatory authorities carry out field measurements on a regular or ad hoc basis to validate compliance or investigate customer complaints. This process identifies coverage gaps and areas of poor network quality, enabling regulatory authorities to take actions to enhance service quality for consumers and guide network expansion.Foster competition: If the field measurements of the coverage and performance are performed on a scale representative of a given country, the transparency of these results can promote healthy competition between operators and better service for consumers, which is essential for economic growth and social development.Measurement Techniques: The harmonized methodology for measuring and evaluating data throughput and QoE based on popular services is described in ETSI TR 103 559.
Apr 15, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT14
P25 and FRMCS scanning
Key points: Critical Infrastructure: Learn about mission-critical communication for various agencies who deal with Public Safety such as first responders, police, firefighters, medics and its crucial role in ensuring safety of society.Reliability of Communication: Understand the challenges posed by mission-critical communication, highlighting performance and reliability needs and special requirements such as safe group communications.Technology Migration: Delve into the migration of mission-critical communication from long-standing narrow-band technologies to broadband use cases considering migration timelines.Measurement Techniques: Explore network measurement methods for passive testing of legacy MCX technologies planned to be used in the networks for quite some time (a later release of the document will focus on the broadband successors)
Mar 12, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT12
Spectrum scans are beneficial for many use-cases such as troubleshooting, interference detection and interference hunting, or verification tasks like scheduler verification or other engineering tasks. A time-gated spectrum scan, which is a power spectrum scan which applies a time gate on uplink/downlink slots/symbols and/or the guard period reveals even more details in uplink/downlink or guard period power spectrum. This allows to focus on the uplink / downlink or guard period power spectrum in 5G NR TDD networks. This educational note explains use cases for spectrum measurements, the complexity in 5G TDD and its technology basics, and which problems can be solved with the described solution. The software used is R&S®ROMES4 together with a R&S®TSMx6 drive and walk test scanner.
Sep 21, 2023 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT08
Modern societies worldwide depend on the performance, reliability and security of critical infrastructures and networks. There is a plethora of “new verticals” such as manufacturing, warehouse, mining, ports or other critical infrastructure, just to name a few. These “new vertical” use cases all have one common requirement: the mobile network needs to provide a superior performance compared to a commercial mobile network. In such environments 5G brings new capabilities to build fast and secure campus or private networks tuned to higher performance, which can increase productivity and efficiency. To be successful in these business-critical use cases, the wireless networks need to be as reliable as the wired ones. This educational note describes the different test methods to be able to verify the superior network performance and to help finding root causes of potential problems limiting the performance. We distinguish between passive tests and active tests.
Aug 11, 2023 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT09
Depuis plusieurs années, les fabricants de véhicules et les agences gouvernementales cherchent des moyens pour améliorer la sécurité routière, pour gérer efficacement le trafic et, dans le futur, rendre la conduite plus confortable, pratique et sûre. La V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) est une nouvelle génération de technologie d'information et de communication qui relie les véhicules à toute autre infrastructure et qui peut prendre en charge ces objectifs. La V2X a été conçue pour offrir des communications à faible latence entre véhicules (V2V), entre un véhicule et les infrastructure le long des routes (V2I) et entre un véhicule et les piétons (V2P), afin d'ajouter une nouvelle dimension aux futurs systèmes d'aide à la conduite.La V2X cellulaire (C-V2X) est définie comme la norme des communications par la 3GPP communiqué 14 et utilise la technologie LTE comme interface physique pour les communications.Le scanner LTE C-V2X propose aux clients l'opportunité de vérifier, tester et optimiser les systèmes de trafic ITS ayant été déployés ou qui sont déjà établis. La scanner accomplit cela en écoutant passivement les messages de PC (5,9 GHz) qui sont diffusés depuis les RSU (unités le long des routes), les véhicules ou tout autre dispositif C-V2X. Les mesures classiques du scanner concernant la puissance et la qualité du signal RF telles que RSRP, RS-CINR et RSSI, sont fournies pour chaque canal physique (PSCCH et PSSCH) ainsi que le contenu du message ITS décodé pour les trois régions (Amérique du nord, EU, Chine).
oct. 21, 2022 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT07