6 Résultats
Selecting your next oscilloscope: Why fast update rate matters | 选择下一代示波器: 为什么更高的波形捕获率很重要 - White Paper Brochures et fiches techniques White Paper
This document provides: - A description of how oscilloscope acquisition memory is defined - Insight into the relationship between memory and other oscilloscope parameters - Examples where deep memory provides value
本指南将介绍以下内容:- 示波器采集存储的定义 - 存储和其他示波器参数的关系 - 深存储的作用示例
This document provides: - An explanation of analog versus digital triggering architectures - User advantages for oscilloscopes that have digital triggering - How to determine if an oscilloscope has a digital or analog trigger
本白皮书包含以下内容:- 模拟和数字触发架构 - 数字触发示波器的优势 - 如何辨别数字或模拟触发示波器
This document provides: - An explanation of update rate - How users can quickly perform their own update rate characterization - How to compare vendor update rates - Benefits of fast update rate