Rohde & Schwarz webinars

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity webinars

Webinar recording



Language: EN

Microsoft® Teams™ and data security: keep control of your data while taking advantage of the cloud

Microsoft® Teams™ and data security: keep control of your data while taking advantage of the cloud

With the phenomenal uptake in Microsoft® Teams™ usage since the lock-down, concerns about data security are also on the rise - especially for organizations with previously low cloud affinity. What paths do the shared documents in Microsoft® Teams™ take? Is our company’s sensitive information exposed? What new possibilities for secure data storage are there in Microsoft® 365™? These are some of the main topics we will cover during our webinar.

Where does Microsoft® Teams™ store documents?

Watch our experts in our webinar recording, to gain a better understanding of the data infrastructure of Microsoft® Teams™. Then we will introduce the security concept of an additional layer of security in Microsoft® Teams™, and you will learn how to easily keep control of your data thanks to an innovative data security solution which doesn’t require additional software on your employees' devices.

The webinar topics in brief:

  • How does Microsoft® Teams™ process your data?
  • What data privacy & security issues do you need to worry about?
  • How to balance the use of a cloud collaboration app like Microsoft® Teams™ with strong data privacy?
  • What does the user experience look like for approved users with R&S®Trusted Gate?
  • Get to know our Express Edition and get your extra layer of security in just one day!