19 Results
Haute tension. Isolement optique. Interface fluide.
Высокое напряжение. Оптическая развязка. Удобный интерфейс.
The R&S®RT-ZISO isolated probing system sets new standards for isolated probe technology. The innovative solution delivers unparalleled accuracy, sensitivity, dynamic range and bandwidth, while enabling next-generation wide bandgap (WBG) SiC and GaN power designs. The remarkable performance at the core of the solution provides precise differential measurements up to ±3000 V on reference voltage levels of ±60 kV with rise time of < 450 ps. Most importantly, the solution can suppress fast common mode signals that distort and disturb accurate measurements.
R&S®RT-ZISO Isolated Probing System - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®RT-ZISO Isolated Probing System versus Tektronix IsoVu TIVP - Comparison Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®RT-ZISO 絶縁プロービング・システムは、絶縁プローブテクノロジーの新しい基準を打ち立てます。この革新的なソリューションは、比類ない確度、感度、ダイナミックレンジ、帯域幅を実現しており、次世代のワイドバンドギャップ(WBG)半導体であるSiCやGaNベースの電源設計を可能にします。ソリューションの中核として優れた性能を提供しており、立ち上がり時間が450 ps未満、基準電圧レベルが±60 kVの電圧について最大±3,000 Vまで正確な差動測定を実行できます。加えて、このソリューションにより、正確な測定を阻害する高速なコモンモード信号を抑制できます。
Alta tensión. Aislamiento óptico. Conexión directa.
Oscilloscope test applications include debugging complex electronic circuits, measuring high-speed-bus signal integrity and characterizing power electronics with hazardous voltage levels. Measurement accuracy and operator safety depend on these probes and accessories.
Power electronics Test & Measurement solutions | 전력 전자 T&M 솔루션 | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | 컴포넌트 테스트, 제품 설계, 생산 테스트 및 적합성 테스트 - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Power electronics T&M solutions | 功率電子測試與量測解決方案 | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | 元件測試、產品設計、生產和一致性測試 - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Power electronics T&M solutions | Контрольно-измерительное оборудование для силовой электроники | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | Испытания компонентов, проектирование устройств, производственные и аттестационные испытания - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Power electronics T&M solutions | Solutions de T&M pour l'électronique de puissance | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | Test de composants, conception de produits, test en production et de conformité - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®RT-Zxx high voltage and current probes
Power electronics T&M solutions | 功率电子测试与测量解决方案 | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | 器件测试、产品设计、生产和一致性测试 - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Power electronics T&M solutions | パワーエレクトロニクス 電子計測ソリューション | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing | コンポーネントテスト、製品設計、製造、コンプライアンステスト - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Power electronics T&M solutions | Component testing, product design, production and compliance testing - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer