I have an S-parameter file on my PC and want to load it into a memory trace of my network analyzer.
How can I do this via remote control?
I have an S-parameter file on my PC and want to load it into a memory trace of my network analyzer.
How can I do this via remote control?
You need the attached program written in VisualBasicApplication under EXCEL.
If you have an NI-VISA driver installed and a GPIB or TCP/IP connection to the network analyzer, you can run the program yourself.
The program searches for the TEST.S1P file in 'C:\Work\'
The important part is the following:
Rem Open the S-parameter file Test.S1P and read the content
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile("C:\work\Test.S1P")
Rem s is the number of bytes with data Test.S1P file
s = f.Size
Open "C:\work\Test.S1P" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Text1 = Input(s, #1)
Close #1
Rem Create the data to send to the ZVL
Rem l is the number of bytes needed for the length information of the data
l = Len(s)
Text2 = "#" + CStr(l) + CStr(s) + Text1
Rem Send the data in a file to the ZVL
commandStr = "MMEMory:DATA 'C:\Temp\Test.S1P', " + Text2
countsend = Len(commandStr)
status = viWrite(vinstr, commandStr, countsend, count)
Rem Open the file in a memory trace
commandStr = "MMEM:LOAD:TRAC 'TRC1','c:\temp\test.s1p'"
countsend = Len(commandStr)
status = viWrite(vinstr, commandStr, countsend, count)