Dramatic Reduction of Energy Consumption
Legacy transmitter sites in operation today have an efficiency of around 20%. That is to say, for every kilowatt of radiated RF power, it needs 5kW of AC input. Clearly, improving efficiency will have a big impact on this key operational cost. It is also important to remember that power consumption is directly correlated to carbon footprint, so increasing efficiency not only reduces costs, it reduces the carbon footprint.
The new TH1 transmitter from Rohde & Schwarz is designed for efficiency. On average it provides 44% energy efficiency, taking all transmitter costs into consideration. The actual efficiency is dependent upon factors like frequency of operation, but at any frequency the total power conversion factor will be 42% or better.
With the R&S®TH1, for every kilowatt of radiated RF power, we now only need around 2.3kW of AC input. Energy costs would be cut by 50% or more compared to the installed base of transmitters. And even compared to any other transmitter currently on the market, the R&S®TH1 reduces energy costs by at least 15%. That is a real, very tangible benefit for any user.
Those numbers are the headline good news for operational efficiency, and are easy to incorporate into any business case. There are other measures though, which also contribute to the overall efficient operation of transmitters. These are centred on the amount of management and engineering time required to keep the network running effectively.