Sono disponibili le seguenti informazioni (estratte dallo script Python allegato):
# Important!
# Rx mode is not completely documented in the manual.
# A complete command list can be requested by querying "SYSTEM:TREE?"
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('SYST:MODE RMOD') # Change over to Rx mode
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:DET PEAK') # Set Rx mode detector --> Possible values: PEAK, AVG, QPEAK, RMS
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:MTIM 0.5') # Rx mode measurement time in seconds (can not be set for QPEAK)
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:FREQ 100 MHz') # Set receiver frequency
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:FREQ:STEP 100000') # Set step width for Rx mode (will only help for manual purposes.
# Rather use RMOD:FREQ for a scan.
Instrument.write_str_with_opc('Band:RBW C120K') # Set bandwidth to CISPR 120 kHz
# --> Possible values: 100 / 300 Hz, 1 / 3 / 10 / 30 / 100 / 200 / 300 kHz,
# 1 MHz, C200, C9K, C120K, C1M
# Important!
# While demodulation is switched on, measurement will not take place.
#Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:AUD:DEM ON') # Switch on demodulation (headphone port) --> Possible values: ON, OFF
#Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:AUD:MOD FM') # Change demod to FM --> Possible values: AM, FM
#Instrument.write_str_with_opc('RMOD:AUD:VOL 50') # Adjust audio volume for headphone port --> possible values: 0-100