8 결과
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 880-915 MHz (RX) and 925-937.5 / 951.5-980 MHz (TX) band.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 824-849 MHz (RX) and 864-871 / 881.6-894 MHz (TX) band.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 698-722 / 780-798 MHz (RX) and 732.6-734.4 / 745.6-769.4 MHz (TX) bands.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 832-862 MHz (RX) and 791-795 / 811-821 MHz (TX) band.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 2500-2570 MHz (RX) and 2620-2644 / 2690 MHz (TX) band.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 1710-1785 / 1920-1980 MHz (RX) and 1805-1837 / 1855-1880 MHz (TX) bands.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 1710-1755 / 1850-1910 MHz (RX) and 1930-1945 / 1965-1995 / 2110-2155 MHz (TX) bands.
Lightest full power portable PIM analyzer covering the 703-748 / 825-845 MHz (RX) and 758-776 / 788 - 807 MHz (TX) bands bands.