4 결과
교정 성적서 Calibration certificate; ZNL; ZNLE; FTP1000; RTH1000; RTB2000; ZPH; FPH; FPC1000; RTM3000 교정 성적서 Calibration certificate; ZNL; ZNLE; FTP1000; RTH1000; RTB2000; ZPH; FPH; FPC1000; RTM3000
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I perform a calibration with remote commands. With the command to start the calibration sweep with a short standard I get this error message. What is the problem?
I am using the I/O Logging function to write all remote commands sent to the ZNL(E) to file. But I can not find any logging file in the path mentioned in the manual: C:\ProgramData\Rohde-Schwarz\ZNL-FPL\ScpiLogging