일반 검색을 사용하여 제품, 솔루션 또는 다운로드와 관련된 정보를 빠르게 검색해 보십시오. 키워드를 입력하고 카테고리를 선택한 다음 활성화된 하위 카테고리 중에서 선택하여 필요한 정보를 확인하십시오.
일반 검색을 사용하여 제품, 솔루션 또는 다운로드와 관련된 정보를 빠르게 검색해 보십시오. 키워드를 입력하고 카테고리를 선택한 다음 활성화된 하위 카테고리 중에서 선택하여 필요한 정보를 확인하십시오.
44 결과
R&S®QAR50 Automotive Radome Tester는 생산 과정에서 레이돔과 범퍼의 레이더 호환성을 측정, 분석, 평가하기 위한 레이더 통합 테스트를 위해 설계되었습니다.
Models: R&S®QAR50 vertical polarization, R&S®QAR50 horizontal polarization, R&S®QAR50-R
The complete guide to radome and bumper testing using the R&S®QAR50
Models: R&S®QAR50 vertical polarization, R&S®QAR50 horizontal polarization, R&S®QAR50-R
R&S®QAR50은 폴리머 소재의 특성과 해당 소재의 특성이 초기 설계 단계와 소재 개발의 품질 관리에서 레이더 신호의 품질에 미치는 영향을 분석할 수 있는 최적의 툴입니다.
6월 24, 2022
R&S QAR50 Automotive Radome Tester - Product Brochure
Testing radomes, bumpers, QAR50 설계부터 양산까지 모든 단계에서 가능한 레이돔 및 범퍼 테스트 Testing radomes, bumpers, QAR50 설계부터 양산까지 모든 단계에서 가능한 레이돔 및 범퍼 테스트 Testing radomes, bumpers, QAR50 관련 상품
4월 21, 2022
QAR50 K10 Frequency response
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®QAR50 automotive radome tester.
QAR50 K20 Phase mask
QAR50 K30 High resolution reflection image
본 애플리케이션 카드는 자동차 레이더 주파수 도메인(76 GHz ~ 81 GHz)에서 R&S®QAR50 Automotive Radome Tester를 이용한 간단한 재료 특성분석 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
5월 22, 2024
R&S®QAR50 Cost-effective automotive radome testing – Fact Sheet 브로셔 및 데이터시트
QAR50 Innovative user experience
QAR50 Quality automotive radome tester
QAR50 Quality automotive radome tester
Explore material characterization techniques and applications. Discover impedance analyzers and other material characterization equipment from an industry leader.
Discover the R&S®IMAGER, the pinnacle of quality assurance imaging from Rohde & Schwarz. Uncover hidden details with state-of-the-art microwave imaging technology. Ideal for a wide range of industries, from food safety to pharmaceuticals, our cutting-edge solution ensures flawless product quality and safety.
Getting started for the R&S®QAR50 Radome Tester. Describes how to install the R&S®QAR50.
User manual for the R&S®QAR50 Radome Tester. Describes how to install and operate the R&S®QAR50.
Nov 16, 2021 | Press Release | Automotive
New Rohde & Schwarz radome tester delivers fast, accurate and cost-effective production line measurementsThe new R&S QAR50 from Rohde & Schwarz is the ideal solution for measuring radomes and bumpers in production. The tester's innovative design ensures short measurement times and accurate, reproducible results with a very attractive price/performance ratio. A highly modular software concept allows the R&S QAR50 to be adapted to individual requirements.
This video looks at the two hardware options available for the QAR50: horizontal and vertical polarization.. This video looks at the two hardware options available for the QAR50: horizontal and vertical polarization. QAR50 Videoseries, R&S®QAR50 Hardware options This video looks at the two hardware options available for the QAR50: horizontal and vertical polarization.
QAR50 Videoseries, QAR50 and QAR50-R The differences in design, capabilities and applications of the QAR50 and the QAR50-R are explained and integration examples are shown.
Learn more about the QAR50’s measurement capabilities and unique features within this 5 minute video. R&S®QAR50 - cost-effective automotive readome testing. Fast. Precise. Automotive Radar, advanced driver-assistance systems , Why test & certification experts IB-Lenhardt trust Rohde & Schwarz radar measurement solutions
QAR50 Videoseries, Measurement results in detail Here we explain the measurement curves and images for different bands and clusters created by the QAR50 and how to interpret them.
QAR50 Videoseries This first video introduces the basic principles of microwave imaging and the R&S®QAR50 in general. This includes measurement clusters, reflection & transmission, traceability and test speed.
QAR50 Videoseries, Radome parameters and their effect This video focusses on measurement parameters such as attenuation, reflection and inhomogeneities, their importance for radar sensor performance and how to measure them with the R&S®QAR50.
QAR50 Videoseries, Calibration, normalization and verification Here we focus on the terms calibration, normalization and verification in relation to the QAR50, what are the key considerations for each term and how to perform these important tasks.
It compares the QAR50 microwave imaging solution with a quasi-optical vector network analyzer and shows how the optimum thickness of a radome can be calculated. QAR50 Videoseries, Material characterization This video is about the very beginning of bumper and radome measurement: material characterization.