FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

How to set a static TCP/IP address


How to set a static TCP/IP address?


The SGMA device and the SGMA GUI should have the latest version.

Please connect the SGMA device via a LAN cable to the PC with the SGMA GUI.

Press the LAN button on the SGMA device and wait till the light is green.

Open the SGMA GUI and Scan for instruments:

If the SGMA GUI cannot find the instrument automatically, then add it with the button New.

Switch the SGMA instrument to Active and close the Configuration.

You should see the SGMA device with a green button.

Click on the device button and go to Setup - Network Settings

Change the Address Mode from DHCP to Static

and click Apply.

Now change the IP address to the one you want to have

and click Apply.

At first you will get an info like this:

and after this the SGMA device in the SGMA GUI is no longer active, it has now a grey button

This is normal because the old TCP/IP address is no longer valid.

Go to Setup - Instruments and clear the instruments.

Make a new scan and it should find the SGMA device again.

Switch to Active and close the Configuration.

Now you should see the active device with the new TCP/IP address:

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