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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
44 Results
Software defined radios offer excellent RF characteristics and are compatible with military & civil communication standards. Learn more about SDRs.
The successful completion of the radio site upgrade and modernization (RASUM) program enhances the operational efficiency of DFS and improves the cost effectiveness of its air traffic control (ATC) across Germany.
R&S®RCMS II is a versatile software solution with comprehensive system monitoring and remote control of Rohde & Schwarz radios.
The compact R&S®Series5200 radios combine a secure and flexible architecture with excellent RF performance for today’s and tomorrow’s ATC communications.
Latest generation of stationary radios for both civil and military air traffic control.
The R&S®SK4105 HF high-power transmitter is ideal for air traffic service under harsh conditions such as those in Greenland
ATC radios for voice and data communications
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios
R&S®GB5450 Radio Control Unit - Flyer
Modernizing communications equipment of AirNav Ireland and ISAVIA
Taiwan reduces system complexity with R&S®Series5200 radios - Case Study Brochures and Data Sheets
CERTIUM RADIOS - Mediacenter
Taiwan reduces system complexity with R&S®Series5200 radios. Learn more
NAV CANADA chooses Rohde & Schwarz HF systems for long range communications.
CERTIUMRadiosCERTIUMRadios Reliable software defined radios featuring an innovative security-by-design architecture. CERTIUM Gateways CERTIUM Gateways Seamless integration of legacy applications into IP infrastructure enabling phased migration scenarios. CERTIUM Management CERTIUM Management Centralized management of VCS and radios to enable smooth network operation.
As one of the world's leading VCS & radio manufacturers and turnkey system integrators, Rohde & Schwarz is your trusted partner for your air traffic communication needs.
Rohde & Schwarz is your trusted partner for secure air traffic communications from the radio to the antenna. Join us online with the latest news from the World ATM Congress 2022.
Listing of all video overview pages sorted by categories and themes. Looking for additional insight on a specific application or measurement technique? Pick your topic of interest.
Modernizing communications equipment of AirNav Ireland and ISAVIA Learn more
Enhance your knowledge. With the Rohde & Schwarz webinar series.
ATC radio, Certium radios, CERTIUM radios from Rohde & Schwarz 80 seconds with our CERTIUM RADIOS, designed to achieve the highest degree of security: Network separation, secure protocols, and more.
The new ATC Radio from Rohde & Schwarz combines a secure, redundant and flexible architecture with excellent RF performance.
Learn more about the advanced and fully integrated network component, with a security-by-design architecture and extremely flexible network interfaces. 80 seconds with CERTIUM Radios Learn more about the advanced and fully integrated network component, with a security-by-design architecture and extremely flexible network interfaces.
Deep dive into CERTIUM RADIOS, part of the ATC communications suite CERTIUM. R&S®Series5200 combines a secure and flexible architecture with excellent RF performance for today’s and tomorrow’s full IP communications solutions. Different models supporting VHF/UHF aeronautical bands enable communications with all types of aircraft in controlled airspace.
ATC software defined radio, CERTIUM radio Find out more about flexible network integration from ATC software defined radios from Rohde & Schwarz.
08-Jul-2020 | Press Release | Aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz upgrades RAAF Air-Ground-Air voice linkRohde & Schwarz contracted for CERTIUM Radios, CERTIUM VCS-4G voice communications system, and CERTIUM management systems 12 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) ATC facilities.
R&S®Series4200 software defined radios for VHF/UHF communications CERTIUM solution alerts the air traffic controller whenever signals from more than one aircraft has been received simultaneously. Reliable voice communications between air traffic controllers and pilots are vital to passenger safety. A lack of communications can jeopardize the safety of a hundred people or more. Critical situations in