11 Results
Debugging CMWrun Test Plan Hints CMWrun, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, test plan NAV INV NCAP During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500. Debugging CMWrun Test Plan Hints CMWrun, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, test plan NAV INV NCAP During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500.
The R&S®CMWrun sequencer software tool is the leading, most popular multistandard platform for UE testing. The R&S®CMWrun automation software meets all requirements for executing remote control test sequences on the R&S®CMW in R&D, quality assurance, production and service for both current and future wireless equipment.
Different options to configure external attenuation within CMWRun CMWrun, CMW100, CMW290, CMW500, external attenuation, RF components, attenuation table How can the external attenuation values be configured and embedded in the CMWRun test sequences? Different options to configure external attenuation within CMWRun CMWrun, CMW100, CMW290, CMW500, external attenuation, RF components, attenuation table
Read in a text file via a relative path in CMWrun CMWrun, read in text file, relative path, CMWrun script How can I read in a text file from a realative path during a run of a CMWrun script? Read in a text file via a relative path in CMWrun CMWrun, read in text file, relative path, CMWrun script How can I read in a text file from a realative path during a run of a CMWrun script?
CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans Bluetooth LE interfer, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, CMWrun, attenuation CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans. CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans Bluetooth LE interfer, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, CMWrun, attenuation CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth
CWMrun: Shut down AC power of CMW after CMWrun script has finished CMWrun, test plan script, AC power, CMW500, CMW290, CMW270, shut down automatically If a CMWrun test plan script has been fished the AC power of a CMW500 / CMW290 / CMW270 should be shut down automaticly. CWMrun: Shut down AC power of CMW after CMWrun script has finished CMWrun, test plan script, AC power, CMW500, CMW290, CMW270, shut
Execution of Audio Script with CMWRun fails because of missing UE calibration files CMWrun, CMW500, UPV, Audio Test, mobile_in.ccl, mobile_out.ccl, UPV_UserEquipmentCalibration When starting MOS audio quality measurments with CMWRun connected to a CMW communication tester and an UPV audio analyzer, a failure message occurs that the calibration files "mobile_in.ccl" and "mobile_out.ccl" can not be found
Combining of test plans that will be exectuted one after another in CMWrun CMWrun How can different test-plans be combined to a sigle test plan that will be executed one after another? Can I combine also the results into one report? Combining of test plans that will be exectuted one after another in CMWrun CMWrun How can different test-plans be combined to a sigle test plan that will be executed one
CMWrun: Needed preparations to use an Android UE with the phone control function CMWrun, use an Android UE, phone control function CMWrun : Needed preparations to use an Android UE with the phone control function. CMWrun: Needed preparations to use an Android UE with the phone control function CMWrun, use an Android UE, phone control function CMWrun : Needed preparations to use an Android UE with the
Automated tests with R&S®CMWrun and R&S®SMBVB-K361
Usage of dongle for license handling CMW500, dongle, CMWPC, CMW, license, CMWrun, CMWmars My SW needs to validate its usage by means of a license available in a Dongle for testing with CMW 270/290/500, which are the requirements? Usage of dongle for license handling CMW500, dongle, CMWPC, CMW, license, CMWrun, CMWmars My SW needs to validate its usage by means of a license available in a Dongle for