40 Results
R&S CMWrun - RF preconformance testing solution
The battery life measurement solution for the R&S®CMW500 platform identifies which ECUs and which applications running on telematics units impact battery life.
R&S CMWrun Sequencer Software Tool
R&S CMWrun - Turnkey solutions for production
The intuitive graphical user interface makes it simple for users to test wireless devices for compliance with the 3GPP protocols for various technologies.
R&S CMWrun - Audio performance testing solution
Modern communications devices support a large number of standards in a very small space, which can lead to interference due to occupying the same frequency bands.
The Rohde & Schwarz Bluetooth RF test solution with the R&S CMW and R&S CMWrun is closely aligned to the Bluetooth RF Test Suite. This document describes common setups for these tests and the required configurations.
04-May-2015 | AN-No. 1MA261
This application note explains battery life tests using RT-ZVC in combination with CMWrun and CMW500, including example applications.
17-Feb-2017 | AN-No. 1MA281
Automated tests with R&S®CMWrun and R&S®SMBVB-K361
Bluetooth Testing with the R&S CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester - Application Brochure
How can I read in a text file from a realative path during a run of a CMWrun script?
During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500.
CMWrun : Needed preparations to use an Android UE with the phone control function.
CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans.
If a CMWrun test plan script has been fished the AC power of a CMW500 / CMW290 / CMW270 should be shut down automaticly.
How can different test-plans be combined to a sigle test plan that will be executed one after another? Can I combine also the results into one report?
This application note shows how to determine the quality of a video streamed by an LTE mobile with R&S®CMW500 Radio Communication Tester and R&S®VTE Video Analyzer.
08-Sep-2014 | AN-No. 1MA253
The Rohde & Schwarz User Manual describes the power probes R&S®RT-ZVC02/04.
How can the external attenuation values be configured and embedded in the CMWRun test sequences?
My SW needs to validate its usage by means of a license available in a Dongle for testing with CMW 270/290/500, which are the requirements?
When starting MOS audio quality measurments with CMWRun connected to a CMW communication tester and an UPV audio analyzer, a failure message occurs that the calibration files "mobile_in.ccl" and "mobile_out.ccl" can not be found.
his application note briefly describes the technology behind ERA-GLONASS and presents conformance tests for ERAGLONASS using the R&S®CMW500 RF tester and the R&S®SMBV100A vector signal generator.
24-Jan-2018 | AN-No. 1MA251
The feedback from the barcode scanner is evaluated by the R&S®CMWrun user interface. optical video experience, testing, barcode scanner, CMW500, wideband radio communication, tester, streams, DASH video, LTE interface, barcode scanner Rohde & Schwarz showcased optical video experience testing with a barcode scanner at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona.
An automated test solution based on the R&S®CMW wideband radio communication tester fully supports the new test cases for real-time submeter positioning.