124 Results
This application note shows how to measure shielding effectiveness using the R&S®EMC32-K48 option via R&S®EMC32 Measurement Software.
01-Dec-2015 | AN-No. 1SP19
This application note describes how to use the R&S®RTO, R&S®RTE and R&S®RTM Digital Oscilloscopes for EUT monitoring of signal forms.
20-Apr-2015 | AN-No. 1MA242
This application note shows all necessary settings for performing Dual Receiver Measurement using the R&S®EMC32-K27 option via R&S® EMC32 Measurement Software.
28-Sep-2017 | AN-No. 1SP20
This application note shows how to configure the R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software to automate the immunity testing in line with EN 55020 and CISPR 35 on TV sets and monitors.
30-Jul-2020 | AN-No. 1S007
R&S EMC32 EMC Measurement Software - Specifications
Models: R&S®EMC32-EB, R&S®EMC32-S
Usage of Data Reduction in R&S©EMC32-K10 EMI Auto Test Templates
16-Nov-2011 | AN-No. 1SP02
R&S®EMC32-K21 Application Interface - Product Flyer
This application note explains step by step all necessary settings for transmitting parameters of the disturbance signal from an EMS test to a dAV Camera System via serial port or LAN interface
Describes the initial installation and all functions of R&S®ELEKTRA.
he option R&S EMC32-K84 extends the internal report generator to support the generation of a summary test report over all selected test cases done for a DUT.
23-Apr-2015 | AN-No. 1SP09
R&S EMC32-K27 Dual Receiver Measurement (DRM) - Flyer
I would like to connect a controller with EMC32 program and measure the disturbance field strength with at a certain distance in sync with motorised rail. I would like to setup the communication between my controller and EMC32. Can you send me some instructions for communication between EMC32 and external hardware?
We are performing EMS Tests and we need live data of frequency and level. The two values are to be read out from EMC32 and transferred to Vector CANoe, the intention is to synchronize with the corresponding values for frequency and level. Are there any ready to use tools available, to read the required data from EMC32?
FAQ; EMC32 and CANoe Application
I am existing EMC32 customer. It is possible to migrate my EMC32 templates to ELEKTRA?
We have installed our test system with EMC32 and all devices, but NRP2 can not be set to physical from EMC32 using LAN interface.
error message EMC32: EMC32.ini is missing
EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison
EMC32 does not start - found Error 2113 in the logfile
Configuring Maturo Type Antenna Controllers and Similar Devices in EMC32
EMC32 file access control, synchronize network server contents automatically
EMC32, add CDNE Coupling-/ Decoupling Network for EMI measurements
FAQ, Creating Scan Tables with up to four detectors using EMC32
Initialize RF Generator, change start level for immunity testing using EMC32
EMC32: EUT Monitoring, use of the Device "Evaluation"
Learn how to solve the issue in case you get the error message "Application will be closed" from EMC32 Main Startup.