Munich 05-Jun-2024

Rohde & Schwarz has received approval from the USB Implementers Forum for its USB 3.2 Gen 1 & Gen 2 transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) compliance test solution. This approval underlines the company’s commitment to providing high-quality test and measurement solutions for the USB ecosystem.
The R&S RTP-K101 for Tx and R&S RTP-K102 for Rx enables manufacturers to test their USB devices for compliance with the USB 3.2 standard, using the R&S RTP oscilloscope from Rohde & Schwarz. The software option includes a range of test cases and scenarios that cover all aspects of electrical compliance testing of USB 3.2 Gen 1 & Gen 2 transmitters and receivers. They are implemented in the R&S ScopeSuite software, which controls all needed hardware to carry out these tests, including third-party bit error rate testers (BERT) required for receiver testing. R&S ScopeSuite features illustrated step-by-step instructions which guide users in terms of optimum setup and connection to test fixtures to obtain reliable test results in line with USB-IF test specifications.
The USB-IF is the industry body responsible for the promotion and development of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard. The organization oversees the development of USB technology standards and ensures that all USB-IF certified products meet the highest standards of interoperability and quality.
The R&S RTP-K101 for Tx and R&S RTP-K102 for Rx compliance test options for USB 3.2 Gen 1 & Gen 2 are available from Rohde & Schwarz and are part of the company’s extensive solutions portfolio for USB design and compliance testing. Rohde & Schwarz already has approval from the USB-IF for USB 2.0 transmitter and receiver testing as well as for USB cable and connector testing.
For more information on USB testing solutions from Rohde & Schwarz, go to:
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Christian MokryPR Manager Test & measurement
+49 89 412913052
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Rohde & Schwarz is striving for a safer and connected world with its Test & Measurement, Technology Systems and Networks & Cybersecurity Divisions. For over 90 years, the global technology group has pushed technical boundaries with developments in cutting-edge technologies. The company's leading-edge products and solutions empower industrial, regulatory and government customers to attain technological and digital sovereignty. The privately owned, Munich based company can act independently, long-term and sustainably. Rohde & Schwarz generated net revenue of EUR 2.93 billion in the 2023/2024 fiscal year (July to June). On June 30, 2024, Rohde & Schwarz had more than 14,400 employees worldwide.
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