17 Results
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®AMS32 OTA performance measurement software.
With its small footprint, the R&S®ATS1000 antenna test system is the ideal direct far-field OTA system to test phased array antennas.
AMS32, special result files with the extension "_raw"
FAQ: iKey upgrade for EMC32/AMS32 version 10?
FAQ AMS32 Signal Path Calibration, ensure that valid CAL Data are loaded on the OTA Network Analyzer
FAQ; Every time when I start my EMC32, a strange error appears: "ikey for AMS32 could not be found". What to do ?
This video demonstrates passive antenna measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer and the AMS32 software This video demonstrates passive antenna measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer and the AMS32 software ATS1000 passive antenna measurements with VNA This video demonstrates passive antenna measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer and the AMS32 software
In this document we will describe in detail how to configure and perform path calibrations with AMS32-K81 in an ATS1500C, using an AREG800A.
03-May-2023 | AN-No. 1SL399
Rohde & Schwarz and Greenerwave collaborate to verify RIS modules and drive 6G researchReconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) can revolutionize wireless communication performance for 5G and future 6G applications. A groundbreaking measurement campaign by Rohde & Schwarz and Greenerwave confirms the capabilities of a novel FR2 RIS module, improving coverage and efficiency.
This application note describes how to measure the antenna pattern of a mm-Wave device in the R&S®ATS1000 shielded chamber. This includes the required calibration of the measurement setup and a possible near field to far field transformation when measuring larger devices.
28-May-2018 | AN-No. 1MA304
CATARC (Tianjin) Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co.,Ltd. selects Rohde & Schwarz to supply full vehicle antenna test (FVAT) systemCATARC (Tianjin) Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co.,Ltd. has selected leading global test and measurement supplier Rohde & Schwarz to supply a full vehicle antenna test (FVAT) system and support services. The system is required to optimize the performance and location of antenna modules, verify compliance with wireless and EMC standards and ensure proper operation of a vehicle’s wireless system. These aspects are essential for the development of emerging technologies such as autonomous driving.
Rohde & Schwarz achieves breakthrough in sub-THz research with 140 GHz multi-channel transceiver characterizationRohde & Schwarz is advancing its pioneering sub-THz research in the D-Band and has reached important milestones. In collaboration with the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC), the test and measurement expert has successfully characterized a TX/RX multi-antenna chip (CHARM) operating at up to 140 GHz, using their D-Band over-the-air (OTA) test chamber. Academia and industry leaders agree that the 110 GHz to 170 GHz frequency range, known as D-Band, is critical for beyond 5G and 6G mobile communications and future automotive radar applications.
Rohde & Schwarz and IHP first to characterize D-band frequencies in over-the-air test setup for 6G and automotive radarAcademia and key industry players have identified the D-Band, ranging from 110 GHz to 170 GHz, as a candidate frequency band for beyond 5G and 6G mobile communications as well as for future automotive radar applications. Rohde & Schwarz continues its pioneering sub-THz research efforts with focus in this frequency range, reaching new milestones. In collaboration with IHP, Rohde & Schwarz has performed the industry’s first full 2D/3D antenna characterization of transceiver modules operating in the D-Band.
This application note employs preliminary theoretical analysis and demonstrates how the problems of indevice coexistence can be measured.
28-Apr-2015 | AN-No. 1MA255
LTE user equipment (UE) receiver performance has significant impact to cellular radio network coverage and capacity. It determines the maximum data throughput across the air interface between the LTE base station (eNB, evolved node B) and the mobile network subscriber UE, thus it determines the total capacity across the air interface. Therefore, it is one of the most important measurements to verify the actual receiver performance of individual devices, and a key metric to compare different devices, in particular.This paper shall give an introduction to receiver performance measurements and discusses the measurement metrics as well as the challenges of over the air (OTA) measurements.
31-Aug-2017 | AN-No. 1ST001
Comprehensive test solutions guide for production and R&D
Small cell is a compact base station with smaller form factor and lower transmission power in comparison to the conventional macro base station. It covers relatively small area and serves less users. Usually, small cell can be integrated into the existing mobile network. By the evolution of radio access technology, the role of small cell has been changing through the evolution path. In the 2G/3G time, its role was to provide coverage in corner cases. Later during LTE, networks are not just providing coverage but capacity too. Small cells were then used to provide the addition capacity where required without adding additional spectrum. Now in 5G era, network operators use densification as an important strategy to provide seamless 5G services which demand coverage, capacity and performance too. With use cases requiring the 5G millimeter wave (mmW) rollouts, it makes sense to use small cells for densification due to the propagation characteristics of mmW.In this application note, we will shed light on the testing aspects of a small cell throughout the product life cycle with particular focus on the production test solution for the small cell device under test (DUT) in FR2 (frequency range 2, mmW frequency band) in Over the Air (OTA) environment for option 6 split based on radio communication tester R&S®CMP200 and OTA chamber R&S®CMQ200. The document is complemented with more insights into test solutions used in typical R&D test applications towards the second half of the application note.
19-Jun-2023 | AN-No. 1SL395