FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

How can a number of files from the sw 'InstrumentView' be converted to CSV format?


How can a number of files from the sw 'InstrumentView' be converted to CSV format? With the CSV format the trace data can be used in additional applications


The recommended way to covert all the .set file into a single .csv is via cmd. Multiple dataset files can be converted to csv in one shot using the IV command line. If you want a merged single csv, please use the batch file to merge all. Please find A the batch file for you to use.

  • Click start-> and open the command prompt
  • Type "CD" the path to the folder of .set
  • Then type: converToCSVMerged.bat "."
  • This will convert all .set to csv and merge it
  • Please see the attached example command