16 Results
DTMF analysis on CMW500 and CMW290 FAQ, DTMF, CMW500, CMW290, VoLTE DTMF analysis on CMW500 and CMW290 DTMF analysis on CMW500 and CMW290 FAQ, DTMF, CMW500, CMW290, VoLTE DTMF analysis on CMW500 and CMW290
CQI (Chanel Quality Identifier) report from UE and coresponding mapping of Modulation and TBS tests on CMW500 / CMW290 CQI, Chanel Quality Identifier, CMW500, CMW290 How can the CQI (Chanel Quality Identifier) from UE and coresponding 3GPP specified mapping to Modulation and TBS be tested? CQI (Chanel Quality Identifier) report from UE and coresponding mapping of Modulation and TBS tests on CMW500
EVS Bandwidth Indicator VoLTE and VoWiFi call on CMW500/CMW290 user interface VoLTE, VoWiFi, EVS, SWB, CMW500, CMW290, CMW During the call setup with VoLTE/VoWiFi with EVS voice codec the bandwidth is negotiated. How can the bandwidth be setup and how will it be shown in the CMW user interface? EVS Bandwidth Indicator VoLTE and VoWiFi call on CMW500/CMW290 user interface VoLTE, VoWiFi, EVS, SWB, CMW500
How to get Wireshark log files for IMS (VoLTE, VoWiFi) when using CMW500/CMW290 FAQ VoLTE, VoWiFi when using CMW500, CMW290 How to get Wireshark log files for IMS (VoLTE, VoWiFi) when using CMW500/CMW290 How to get Wireshark log files for IMS (VoLTE, VoWiFi) when using CMW500/CMW290 FAQ VoLTE, VoWiFi when using CMW500, CMW290 How to get Wireshark log files for IMS (VoLTE, VoWiFi) when using CMW500/
Ping Tests using CMW500 in one LTE cell CMW, LTE, Ping, CMW500, CMW290, DAU Is it possible to set up an IP peer to peer test using CMW500 between a corporate network and one EUT attached to an LTE cell? Ping Tests using CMW500 in one LTE cell CMW, LTE, Ping, CMW500, CMW290, DAU Is it possible to set up an IP peer to peer test using CMW500 between a corporate network and one EUT attached to an LTE cell
CMsquares download file not available in R&S Installation Manager Installation Manager, CMW500, CMW290, CMsquares CMsquares download file not available in R&S Installation Manager CMsquares download file not available in R&S Installation Manager Installation Manager, CMW500, CMW290, CMsquares CMsquares download file not available in R&S Installation Manager
Debugging CMWrun Test Plan Hints CMWrun, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, test plan NAV INV NCAP During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500. Debugging CMWrun Test Plan Hints CMWrun, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, test plan NAV INV NCAP During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500.
CMWcards application installed on an external PC can not communicate with the CMW500/290 mobile radio tester CMW, CMW500, CMW290, CMWcard Installation of CMWcards is made on a external PC that should control the CMW mobile radio tester via LAN interface. But also the PC and the CMW are connected to the same LAN the remote connection do not work and the resource check showed "not connected". CMWcards
CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update FAQ, CMW500, CMW270, CMW290 CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update FAQ, CMW500, CMW270, CMW290 CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update
CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans Bluetooth LE interfer, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, CMWrun, attenuation CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans. CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans Bluetooth LE interfer, CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, CMWrun, attenuation CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth
LTE UE capabilities Interpretation of Bandwidth Combination Set values shown in CMW Callbox CMW500, CMW290 LTE UE capabilities Interpretation of Bandwidth Combination Set values shown in CMW Callbox LTE UE capabilities Interpretation of Bandwidth Combination Set values shown in CMW Callbox CMW500, CMW290 LTE UE capabilities Interpretation of Bandwidth Combination Set values shown in CMW Callbox
CMW500/2xx intenal fan settings to reduce noise CMW500/2xx intenal fan settings to reduce noise
Different options to configure external attenuation within CMWRun CMWrun, CMW100, CMW290, CMW500, external attenuation, RF components, attenuation table How can the external attenuation values be configured and embedded in the CMWRun test sequences? Different options to configure external attenuation within CMWRun CMWrun, CMW100, CMW290, CMW500, external attenuation, RF components, attenuation table
Resource conflict when using RFxCOM and RFxOUT of CMW500/2xx RF-frontend in parallel CMW500, CMW290, CMW270, RF-Frontend, Resource Conflict, GPRF The CMW500/2xx shows a resource conflict in this situation when using in parallel the RFxCOM port and the RFxOUT port of the same RF-frontend. Resource conflict when using RFxCOM and RFxOUT of CMW500/2xx RF-frontend in parallel CMW500, CMW290, CMW270, RF-Frontend
Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, Bluetooth LE DTM direct test mode resource conflict Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator CMW270, CMW290, CMW500, Bluetooth LE DTM direct test mode resource conflict Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator
Simultaneous NB IoT Signaling tests in parallel CMW500, CMW290, Signalling Resource Conflict It is required to run two simultaneous NB IoT Signaling tests in parallel. Is this possible for a CMW call box tester? Simultaneous NB IoT Signaling tests in parallel CMW500, CMW290, Signalling Resource Conflict It is required to run two simultaneous NB IoT Signaling tests in parallel. Is this possible for