IP is critical for the application performance in mobile radio networks. Issues like low throughput, slow response times or websites not reachable are typical problems. Often the root cause analysis of this problems requires to expand into the IP space and the complex interplay of IP and Radio. Deep dive analysis in IP normally requires specific expert knowledge and collection of massive amounts of additional data (PCAP) which need to be processed in specialized tools. In typical benchmarking activities, IP is typically not fully exploited.
In this webinar we would like to explore possibilities of enhancing Benchmarking Campaigns with IP data by moving the analysis closer to the data collection and storing relevant and compressed data in a way that it can easily be utilized even in large scale benchmarking projects. In the analysis we will perform statistical analysis and deep dive into the IP space.
In this webinar, you will learn more about:
- The commonly used protocols and its characteristics
- Analyze typical IP traffic shape of the most common test cases in benchmarking
- Perform statistical and deep dive analysis of IP related issues
- Describe how to enable IP Analysis on large scale benchmarking processes