30 Results
This application note explains how to setup R&S®AdVISE to monitor the temperature of an EUT by using an infrared camera.
14-Sep-2020 | AN-No. 1S008
This application note describes how to use the generic interface in R&S®AdVISE for remote operation.
19-Jun-2020 | AN-No. 1S002
This application note describes how to detect even small fails in dynamic turn indicators with R&S®AdVISE.
30-Jul-2020 | AN-No. 1S006
R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence. This eliminates errors due to human inattention, ensures reproducible results and simplifies test documentation. A typical application is EMS testing with R&S®ELEKTRA EMC automation software.
This application note shows how to configure the R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software to automate the immunity testing in line with EN 55020 and CISPR 35 on TV sets and monitors.
30-Jul-2020 | AN-No. 1S007
This Application Note describes how to set up the EMC test software R&S®ELEKTRA and the visual inspection softwareR&S®AdVISE for remote testing.
23-Jul-2020 | AN-No. 1S005
It is extremely important to test the application level functional performance of home automation products in the presence of interference.
This video shows the basic operating steps for operating R&S®AdVISE under the control of R&S®ELEKTRA. EMC test; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
Describes the initial installation and all functions of R&S®AdVISE.
This video introduces the tracking feature of R&S®AdVISE. EMC; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection The R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
This video shows how to use R&S®AdVISE to monitor noise and audio emission of EUTs. EMC; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
This video shows how R&S®AdVISE can detect artefacts on a dynamic turn indicatore. EMC test; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
This video shows how to use R&S®AdVISE to monitor the number of revolutions of rotating objects. EMC; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
This video shows how to use R&S®AdVISE to monitor analog indicator. EMC; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection Automated EUT monitoring in EMS application, monitoring of up to 16 or 32 regions parallel, saves time and eliminates human inattention
EMC test, EMC; EMS; EMS Testing; EMC32; ELEKTRA; AdVISE; Visual Inspection; Optical Inspection R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the process of visually monitoring equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence.
Rohde & Schwarz at EMV 2024: Outstanding T&M solutions from the market leader in EMCAt the EMV show 2024 in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz showcases a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. The company dedicates a large part of the booth to demonstrations that show EMI compliance testing, EMC test automation, EMS immunity test, EMI debugging and EMF. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from March 12 to 14, 2024 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 11.1, booth 106.
Rohde & Schwarz showcases its market-leading, reliable EMC test solutions at EMV in CologneAt the EMC event EMV in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. As a highlight, the company unveils an important enhancement to the R&S ESW EMI test receiver, the new 1GHz bandwidth extension. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from July 12 to 14, 2022 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 10.2, booth 112.
Rohde & Schwarz Expanding EMC Community Capability through their interactive challenge at EMC+SIPI 2024Rohde & Schwarz Expanding EMC Community Capability through their interactive challenge at EMC+SIPI 2024
Hanwha Defence Australia selects Rohde & Schwarz for electromagnetic compatibility assurance of Australian armoured vehiclesRohde & Schwarz will provide a turnkey electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test system and support for an Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) capability at the Hanwha Armoured vehicle Centre of Excellence (H-ACE) in Geelong.
EMC system solutions from Rohde & Schwarz - Customized EMC test systems - Brochure
A step by step HOW TO guide to perform manual and automated wireless coexistence testing
At the end of the year 2020, there were over 20 Billion internet of things (IoT) products in the world operating using the licensed and unlicensed frequency bands. This growth trend is projected to keep steady over the coming years as more and more people adopt to a smarter and more connected lifestyle. This will result in a much busier and challenging RF environment than the one we have today. In order to understand the complexity of the RF spectrum, a white paper was published in 2021 from Rohde & Schwarz, which featured RF spectrum activity at multiple locations observed at different times of the day. The locations were selected based on population densities and the amount of known RF transmitters & their frequencies at those locations. It was also concluded that the ISM bands on average have higher channel utilization since most IoT devices take advantage of the unlicensed spectrum. The paper recommended, that while performing wireless coexistence testing, the test conditions should reflect the operational RF environment that the device is intended to operate in. Otherwise, the characterization of RF performance would only reflect ideal case which doesn’t exist in real world operation. Since it is not always possible to test all devices in the real world, relevant test methodologies need to be setup to replicate the real world as much as possible.This will help us get a better understanding of how the receiver of the RF device will behave under different RF conditions. It is also recommended to perform measurements in order to understand the behavior of the device in the future when the spectrum will get even more challenging. Therefore, a through characterization of the capability of the RF receiver to handle in-band and out-of-band interference signals in also of interest.In terms of regulatory compliance requirements for ensuring wireless coexistence performance, the ANSI C63.27 is currently the only published test standard that provides guidance on how to perform coexistence testing on devices. The test complexity is based up on risk imposed on the user’s health in the event of a failure caused by an or a plurality of interference signal. The standard also gives device manufacturers guidance regarding test setups, measurement environments, interference signal types and strategy, performance quality measurement parameters for physical layer using key performance indicator (KPI) and application layer parameters for end-to-end functional wireless performance (FWP).In this application note, the guidance provided by the ANSI C63.27-2021 version regarding test setup, measurement parameter and interference signal have been followed. It will give the reader a clear idea on how to configure standardized test instruments from R&S in order to generate the wanted signal as well as unintended interference signals and conduct measurement to monitor device performance in terms of PER, ping latency and data throughput.This application note provides step-by-step instruction on how to perform measurements using conducted and radiated methodology. Both manual and automated instrument configuration approach is explained in this document.The automation scripts are written using python scripting language and are available for download with this application note, free of charge. Official required to run the scripts are available on the PYPI database.
10-Nov-2022 | AN-No. 1SL392
Attacks from the Internet endanger critical infrastructures35 percent of all companies that count as critical infrastructures (CRITIS) have fallen victim to an attack from the Internet in the past twelve months - in some cases with serious consequences for their operations.
Rohde & Schwarz Oscilloscope Days return for 2022This live two-day online event will feature application-oriented presentations from Rohde & Schwarz and partners, based on the day to day challenges electronics engineers face when using oscilloscopes and related test and measurement equipment to achieve their testing goals.
IT-Grundschutz CompendiumEach year in February the publication of the IT-Grundschutz, the IT-Grundschutz-Compendium, is published in a new edition by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
IT-Grundschutz CompendiumEach year in February the publication of the IT-Grundschutz, the IT-Grundschutz-Compendium, is published in a new edition by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Ransomware: Persistent & hardly preventable?Ransomware is almost like an "old acquaintance" among cyber threats.
eco IT security survey 2023: IT security in the German economy still inadequateSince 2010, eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft e. V. (Association of the Internet Industry) has annually surveyed the mood of the Internet industry on the state of IT security in Germany, interviewing more than 100 experts from the IT security industry.
Cyber Readiness Report 2022: Cyber Readiness of companies decreased by 2.6 percentFor the sixth consecutive year, the report provides an up-to-date picture of the cyber readiness of organizations worldwide and sheds light on the ever-evolving cyber risks.
NIS2 - What you need to considerThe revised NIS2 directive significantly expands the sectors that are classified as critical services from eight sectors in NIS to 18 sectors NIS2.