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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
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The new trendsetting product for calibrating and verifying mobile phones. A radical new approach for ultimate wireless device production lines.
Choose the industry-leading wireless testers from Rohde & Schwarz - ideal for production testing. Discover more.
Manufactures are constantly looking for ways to minimize testing times and increase the number of devices being tested.
R&S CMW100 Communications Manufacturing Test Set - Specifications
R&S CMW100 Communications Manufacturing Test Set - Specifications
R&S®CMW100 Universal non-signalling test set incl. 5G NR at sub 6 - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
This document describes Bluetooth Low Energy RF over-the-air RX and TX measurements using advertising channels for communication with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
14-Dec-2020 | AN-No. 1C109
Bring your IEEE 802.11 products to market more quickly and reliably with comprehensive test and measurement solutions. Read more to be ahead.
Bring your IEEE 802.11p products to market more quickly and reliably with comprehensive test and measurement solutions. Read more to be ahead.
Bring your IEEE 802.11ax products to market more quickly and reliably with comprehensive test and measurement solutions. Read more to be ahead.
Bring your IEEE 802.11ac products to market more quickly and reliably with comprehensive test and measurement solutions. Read more to be ahead.
The application note guides developers and manufactures of Sigfox Devices to perform the required and recommended measurements with test solutions from Rohde & Schwarz.
15-Nov-2017 | AN-No. 1MA294
Discover solutions for Wi Fi 7 testing from a leader in wireless communication testing. Learn about EHT, key elements of Wi Fi 7 and 802.11be testing aspects.
CMA180 / CMW100 GUI displays "Smartcard not found"
Sometimes when I start the XRT100 measurement, the CMA application returns a connection error. What can I do to avoid this problem?
After an Base firmware update to version 3.8.x or newer a failure message "no smartcards are found" is shown during the start of the CMW program on the controller PC.
R&S CMW100 Communications Manufacturing Test Set - Product Flyer
27-Feb-2023 | Press Release | Wireless communications
Rohde & Schwarz collaborates with Qualcomm and Iridium Communications to test Snapdragon SatelliteQualcomm Technologies Inc., Iridium Communications Inc. and Rohde & Schwarz recently collaborated on testing and validating Snapdragon® Satellite, a solution from Qualcomm Technologies for satellite-based connectivity on next-generation Android smartphones. Manufacturers who want to offer smartphones with truly global coverage can rely on test equipment from Rohde & Schwarz to confirm the full functionality of their products: The R&S CMW100 non-signaling wireless tester is supported by the Qualcomm® Development Acceleration Resource Toolkit (QDART) to verify the Iridium® waveforms in R&D and production testing.
A small form factor puts the instrument as close as possible to the test fixture, allowing for the shortest possible cable connections CMW100, multi-device communications, manufacturing test, set, multiport, frontend, parallel receiver test function, broadcasting, shortest possible cable connections Rohde & Schwarz presented the R&S®CMW100 multi-device communications manufacturing test set at the GSMA
04-Jan-2024 | Press Release | Automotive
Rohde & Schwarz leverages technology from Analog Devices to develop a wireless battery management system production test solutionAnalog Devices, Inc. (ADI) and Rohde & Schwarz are helping the automotive industry to adopt wireless battery management system (wBMS) technology which brings technical, environmental, and cost advantages compared with wired battery management systems (BMS). A new automated test solution is tailored for verification and mass production tests of wireless device tests. This development builds on existing efforts for wBMS RF robustness testing.
The R&S®CMW100 communications manufacturing test set with a supported bandwidth of 160 MHz is ready for testing initial 5G NR sub-6 GHz wireless devices in production. The video demonstrates a typical manufacturing test case using a 5G NR-like waveform.
How can the external attenuation values be configured and embedded in the CMWRun test sequences?
The R&S®TS7124 RF shielded box together with the multiport R&S®CMW100 communication manufacturing test set leads to extremely fast non-signaling measurements.
Automotive TCU production test instruments, software and systems from Rohde & Schwarz covering all baseband requirements and wireless technologies.
The R&S®CMW100 communications manufacturing test set is the first and only test solution supporting all V2X technologies. MWC2019, CMW100, cellular V2X, C-V2X, SMBV100B, GSMA, Mobile World Congress Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates cellular V2X non-signaling testing at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.
MWC2019, CMW100, RF parameter test, FR1, production test, GSMA, Mobile World Congress Rohde & Schwarz showcases 5G NR high quantity production testing for the sub 6 GHz (FR1) frequency range at GSMA MWC 2019.
Bluetooth Testing with the R&S CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester - Application Brochure
02-May-2017 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz T&M equipment adopted by Renesas for R&D, conformance test and production of IEEE 802.11p devicesRohde & Schwarz T&M equipment enables semiconductor manufacturer Renesas to provide first class communications solutions for the 11p market.