Beyond line of sight communications
BLOS communications – HF vs. SATCOM
High frequency (HF) hardware and software can be scaled to the mission at hand. Highly portable, HF radios can be used to equip units or teams that are hundreds of kilometers away from their headquarters (HQ). Conventional very high frequency/ultra-high frequency (VHF/UHF) radios only work in the line-of-sight range. By contrast, deployed HQs can use HF systems to stay in touch with their counterparts back home. Naval vessels and military aircraft use HF systems to keep in touch with other platforms, units or bases stationed hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away.
Increasingly, HF systems are seen as a reliable alternative to satellite communications (SATCOM). HF systems can securely carry voice and data traffic across similar international distances. By contrast, SATCOM systems are vulnerable to detection and jamming. SATCOM bandwidths may be saturated by other users at any given moment. HF systems can work in the long, beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) range, but without mesh networks or satellites. HF transmissions also have unique properties that make it difficult to determine their source. Even if their source can be determined, high frequency signals have inherent properties that make them difficult to jam.
The new HF wideband mode can significantly reduce link setup and data throughput times.
Rohde & Schwarz uses more than just the unique properties of HF systems to safeguard communications. The company has poured decades of experience with strong communications and transmission security (COMSEC/TRANSEC) into their HF products. Users can rest assured that HF communications systems from Rohde & Schwarz are secure.