Engineering Competition


Together we innovate! Engineering Competition 2024

Work on a real business challenge, put your knowledge into practice and win up to USD 10,000!


Qualifiers: April 8th - May 12th, 2024
Finals: June 19th - June 21st, 2024

Pre-register now

Join our virtual qualifiers where ever you are and get ready for the finals on site @ Munich!


Registration for 2024 ended on May 10. Pre-register now for 2025!

#make ideas real with us!

And you have shown that you can do it! Over 200 participants from 16 different nations took part in our virtual qualifiers in May 2024. Now it's time for the best teams to say "Servus, Munich!" and get ready for the finals on site at our headquarters. We are looking forward to an exciting week to make ideas real!​

You don't want to miss any news about the Engineering Competition? Then pre-register now and get ready for the next Challenge in 2025!

Why to participate

Competition break
Students working
Winning team
Competition break

About the Engineering Competition

For 20 years Rohde & Schwarz is hosting its international student competition with over 2,300 participants from all over the world.

Our Engineering Competition is …

  • An exciting experience!
    Get the opportunity to work on a real technical R&S day-to-day challenge!
  • An international community!
    Meet students from all over the world!
  • A place for networking!
    Take the chance to network with R&S employees!

This years challenges in detail


How can 6G improve remote assistance scenarios in virtual worlds?

XR (eXtended Reality) will enable many different new technologies and use cases that will improve communication, collaboration and virtual experience. In this challenge we would like you to focus on the Augmented Reality (AR) – Remote Assistance scenario, due to the several advantages and potential impact it can bring in the industry.

Imagine a user facing an issue on a complex device (located on country A) and requiring some expert support (located on country B) to fix it. In such a situation, a user could use an AR headset connected to its smartphone and start an AR-enabled video call with a remote expert. The remote expert will then be able to look at the system in real-time, guide the user during the debugging phase and help fixing the issue. However, enabling such a solution with a flawlessly AR call experience for both persons, requires addressing different technical aspects.

Therefore, we would like you to consider the following points and provide your solution ideas on how those aspects could be addressed.

  • How would you measure QoE (Quality of Experience) on the Remote Assistance use case?
    • Which KPIs (potentially new) can you think of for measuring this?
    • Which application performance metrics would you consider?
    • How would you measure the Audio/Video experience?
  • How would you measure the RF impact of body shadowing in the connection between AR headset and smartphone?
  • How would you measure the channel performance and responsiveness?
    • How would you measure XR mobility (handovers/offloading) experience?
  • How would you measure and visualize key device performance indicators (e.g. on the smartphone)?
  • How would you design a solution that allows reporting live (during a Remote Assistance session) the XR device relevant KPIs to a network measurement equipment for evaluation and visualization?
    • Assume the AR call is running between the Smartphone/XR device and the network measurement equipment.

Helpful Links


How can we transform plain English text or natural language into valid, executable protocol test cases?

I am Paula Protocol and I am an expert in the 3GPP specifications for LTE, 5G NR and upcoming 6G, but I lack knowledge in programming and I am overwhelmed with the configuration options of the CMX500 communication tester.

My goal is to verify the proper function in regards to 3GPP protocols of the mobile radio chipset / smartphone developed by my employer.

The CMX500 is capable of achieving all my goals, but I just don't know how to use it.

Given the customers statement, the following questions arise.

Open Questions:

  • Could we provide the customer with an AI based tool that assists in the creation of protocol tests?
  • How would such a tool look like?
  • How would you implement it and what resources do you need?


There are protocols (3GPP) written down in natural language that determine explicitly what and how a feature in LTE, 5G, WLAN, etc. should be implemented and also be tested. The R&S CMX500 has the capability to execute all these test scenarios accordingly. There are multiple interfaces to configure the device and also setup test plans that incorporate test scenarios. For one there is the WebGUI and also a high level programmatic interface via the XLAPI Python Framework. One could also go low level and use the underlying client/server based RPC API for direct interactions.

The difficulty that arises is that the protocols are already vast and complicated in their nature. Adding the necessity to understand the workings and functionality of the CMX500 device makes the whole process much more complicated.

The available Human-Machine-Interfaces:

  • WebGUI (http requests)
  • Python API (XLAPI Framework)
  • SCPI commands
  • Low Level Client/Server based RPC API

Available data:

  • 3GPP (Source:
    • Format: mostly Word documents
    • Content:
      • Specification
        • Network Emulator (5G, 4G, WLAN)
        • Physical, MAC, RRC / RLC, NAS, IP, Appl Layer
  • Information Resources (Data)

Helpful Links


Which ISAC use case do you believe would be most promising and how would a feasible test setup look like?


We are excited to announce a student engineering competition focused on Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC), a cutting-edge technology that combines radar sensing and wireless communication into a single system. This competition is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your engineering skills, creativity, and innovation in this exciting field.

The integration of sensing and communication has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and industrial automation. We encourage you to select or suggest an application that has a high potential for a successful business case.

Identify a major technical challenge of the application and propose a feasible solution and define a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that determines its performance.

At Rohde & Schwarz, with our expertise in wireless communication, radar technology, and signal processing, we are committed to advancing ISAC technology and its applications in all major industries. As a global leader in test and measurement, we offer a wide range of products and solutions that enable the development and deployment of ISAC systems. For example, our Automotive Radar Echo Generator (AREG) can emulate scenarios by modelling objects and targets in the DUT environment by manipulating the incident waveform in terms of attenuation, Doppler Shift and delay.


  • Choose your ISAC application
    Choose or come up with an ISAC application that you find particularly interesting and that you believe has the potential to bring significant value to a specific industry or scenario and describe how it works. Describe the required ISAC system and consider the technical, operational, and economic aspects.
  • Identify a major technical challenge for this use case
    Describe a technical challenge related to your chosen ISAC application. This challenge could be related to the simulation, implementation, integration, or operation of the ISAC system.
  • Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    Propose a set of relevant system KPIs. These KPIs should be relevant and measurable allowing for a clear evaluation of the ISAC system's performance encountering the described technical challenges.
  • Develop a modeling approach and a measurement concept
    Develop models for the identified technical challenges.
    Propose a setup to emulate the most relevant scenarios. Describe the test setup including the necessary measurement instruments, simulation and software.
    Base your solution on available Rohde & Schwarz products and propose extensions if required

Your submission will be evaluated based on its technical merit, innovation, practicality and presentation.

Helpful Links


How to develop a respective test environment for the evaluation of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces?


Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) are treated as a key technology candidate for the next generation of mobile communications, 6G. These metamaterial-based surfaces, composed of a large number of unit cells, can dynamically manipulate the reflection properties of impinging electromagnetic waves. By intelligently adjusting the reflection coefficient (amplitude and phase) of each individual unit cell, the wireless propagation channel becomes controllable. With this, RISs are envisioned to enhance coverage without increasing the number of expensive and energy-intensive base stations. Moreover, use cases as for example physical layer security, interference suppression and capacity enhancement are discussed. Consequently, RISs support the steady increase in the overall network throughput of future wireless communication systems.


How to develop a respective test environment for the evaluation of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces?

What are the most important key performance parameters to qualify RIS? How can a measurement setup look like to evaluate these parameters? Is your setup designed for near-field or far-field measurements and what are the consequences? Who are potential key customers for your test solution? What are the unique selling points of your idea? What are the limitations of your test setup?

Develop a test strategy to qualify RIS based on R&S antenna test systems and OTA chambers

Helpful Links


How can we use 6G technologies to ensure a safer and connected world?

Think outside of the box and explore the potential of 6G technology to make the world a safer and more connected place. Your idea should showcase the impact 6G technology can have in any 6G research field.

You have the freedom to define your own problem statement and come up with a unique solution that highlights the potential of 6G technology in any of the research fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), Cognitive Radio Systems, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), Blockchain Technology, Cybersecurity, Terahertz Communication, Integrated Sensing and Communication, Quantum Computing or Internet of Things (IoT).

Your solution should emphasize the importance of Test & Measurement in enabling and accelerating the deployment of 6G technology. You may consider the following questions to guide your innovation:

  • How can we ensure the reliable and efficient performance of 6G technology in real-world scenarios?
  • What are the key parameters to measure and optimize in 6G systems?
  • How can we develop test and measurement solutions to address the unique challenges of 6G technology?

Get ready to unleash your creativity and take on the Wild Track Challenge with Rohde & Schwarz!

Helpful Links

What former participants say

Lukas Wörle

Lukas Wörle (participated in 2007, now Software Developer at Rohde & Schwarz)

"We divided the tasks among us so that everyone could contribute their best to the success of the team. Nevertheless, we discussed our approach to solutions, and you get inspired by your teammates' ideas. This has helped me a lot."

Florian Schlembach

Florian Schlembach (participated in 2013)

"One challenge is certainly, to work on demanding tasks under time pressure and create an attractive presentation. But it was a lot of fun for me to do it together with other students in a team."

Sven Wittig

Sven Wittig (participated in 2015)

"It is crucial to be able to assess one's own strengths and those of one's team memmbers properly and to focus under time pressure on the tasks one does best. And one must be able to quickly understand new subjects and apply them in practice. What did I like most? During the final round in Munich, there was still time to explore the city and get to know Rohde & schwarz better."


What fields of study are acceptable for participation in the competition?

The tasks are aimed at students majoring in information technology, economics or similar.

How many semesters must students have completed to participate?

We recommend that students have completed at least second year. But, students who have completed fewer semesters may participate. Get participants who have completed higher semesters to be part of your team!

Which academic degrees can participants hold?

It doesn't matter whether the participants are working towards a bachelor's, master's or diploma.

Which groups are excluded from participating?

Students that have finished or left their studies, graduates and PhD candidates are not allowed to participate. Please note: This is a competition for students.

This competition is only for students who are not employed at Rohde & Schwarz during the competition period.

What knowledge do the participants need?

Many solutions lead to the goal. However, experience in fields such as Artificial Intelligence within the context of Test & Measurement is recommended, and bringing an entrepreneurial mindset is valued. Furthermore, we recommend to build an interdisciplinary team of students of electrical engineering, computer science and economics.

Can I take part without a team?

We ask you to register as a team. Teams may consist of three to five persons.

Register now!

Ready to engineer your success with Rohde & Schwarz?

Partner of the Engineering Competition

VDE EC Partner

VDE Young Net is the network for students and young professionals interested in electrical engineering and all related fields. On local excursions as well as congresses, executive talks or competitions as the Engineering Competition, the next generation of specialists and managers in the industry develops far more than a professional network and expertise. The VDE Young Net is part of the VDE, one of Europe's largest technology organizations with 2,000 employees and 100,000 experts shaping a future worth living.


Magdalena Pöllmann

Magdalena Pöllmann

University Marketing

Location: Munich, Germany
Languages: German, English