Most Probably the CMW500 is equipped with older signaling unit hardware CMW-B300A or CMW-B300B.
You can check this in the System / Hardware menue of the CMW500 - Signaling Units will be displayed as "H300A"
or "H300B". These hardware is only supported upto firmware version LTE 3.7.31 !!!
To run later LTE firmware version you need an Signaling Unit Advanced (SUA) CMW-B500.
In case you have older signaling units and updated LTE firmware that is only supported for the new signaling unit advanced, you can simply do a downgrade to LTE firmware 3.7.31
You can find this firmware version in the GLORIS web portal, in the Mobile Radio Tester Customer Web.
If you need LTE advanced features that will be supported only with newer firmware and the Signaling Unit Advanced,
please contact us for an upgrade offer.