FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

EMC32-S: Multichannel audio measurements


My EUT is being exposed during an EMC32 immunity test. I would like to use my UPP audio analyzer with 8 channel analog inputs to measure audio signals during EMS testing for up to 8 channels. It wouldn’t necessarily need to measure all the signals simultaneously. Is it possible to implement this multichannel audio analyzer application in EMC32?


Yes, you can do this in EMC32 with an EUT monitoring template. One purpose of the EMS measurement is to determine whether stressing the equipment under test (EUT) with an immunity signal will lead to unwanted failures. Because of this, it is a good idea to monitor the EUT with an instrument, in your case with the UPP audio analyzer. Information about the remotely controlled instrument, such as how to display the measured values or how to evaluate them to decide if the EUT has failed or not, are stored in the EUT monitoring template files.


EUT monitoring templates can be created in EMC32 Explorer under "Test Templates" => "EUT Monitoring". Right click and select "New File".


The lower region of the EUT monitoring template has a tab structure. Here you can modify settings. On the Hardware tab, you right click to select a monitoring device from the device list (e.g. UPP).


With the left mouse button, you can choose the measurement parameter, e.g. a level measurement on analog input channel 1.

Now, you can define a result conversion and a NoGo condition for the measurement channel.

Monitoring channels defined in the EUT monitoring template editor will be measured by the UPP sequentially (not in parallel). On the EUT monitoring template, select "Add Channel" to add one more monitoring channel. Now, you can change the hardware settings and measurement parameters for the new channel. Continue with the next channels in the same way. You can also change the channel names.

The center region of the template editor gives you an overview displaying all monitoring channels defined in the template with channel name, measurement instrument, result conversion, NoGo condition and even an action to be executed if a NoGo is detected.