I want to decode a CAN bus signal with my RTH. Which settings must be done to perform a measurement?
I want to decode a CAN bus signal with my RTH. Which settings must be done to perform a measurement?
The following options must be available to perform CAN bus analysis on the RTH:
The RTH user manual gives information about both options in chapter 9.5 (Version 1326.1578.02 ─ 15) beginning on page 205. It also describes the CAN bus protocol in general. We will explain the measurement on the Low Wire in this example. Please perform the following steps on your RTH to measure the Low Wire information of a CAN signal:
You can stop the acquisition by pressing the <RUN STOP> Key. It is also possible to display the content in list format:
Please find a Python listing in the attachment showing the usage of the adequate remote control commands.
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