FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

iKey upgrade for EMC32/AMS32 version 10?


Is it needed to order an upgrade licence to run EMC327AMS32 version 10 with my iKey?


Users of EMC32/AMS32 version 9.x can use EMC32/AMS32 version 10 without the need to purchase an upgrade license.

Users of EMC32/AMS32 version 8.x or older need to upgrade by purchasing the appropriate upgrade license.

For details please contact your R&S sales representative for the version 9 upgrade package and provide type and S/N of the base license that has to be upgraded.

If type and S/N of the base licence is not known, you can readout the iKey information with the following procedure:

1.) Connect all relevant ikeys to your PC.

1.) Run EMC32

2.) Click ? => About...

iKey upgrade for EMC32/AMS32 version 10

3.) A message box "Info about EMC32" appears

iKey upgrade for EMC32/AMS32 version 10

3.) Press F10 on your keyboard.

4.) A new message box "iKey Licence Info" appears

iKey upgrade for EMC32/AMS32 version 10

5.) Make a complete screenshot of the ikey licence info and provide this information to your R&S sales representative.