Windows 10 based instrument shows the error message "Windows detected a hard disk problem". What should be done?
Windows 10 based instrument shows the error message "Windows detected a hard disk problem". What should be done?
If this error ocours it is recommended to do an backup of all data of the instrument not to loose data. The following recomendations should only help to bring the instrument in a working state to finsh last tests and save your measurement data.
Please consider that in most times when those issue occour the hard disk has some physical demage and it is recomendet to send the instrument to a Rohde & Schwarz service center to replace the hard disk.
You can do the following things:
Run the "System File Checker" with the "sfc / scannnow" promt. This searches the system files and tries to repair them. When the SFC has run through, restart the instrument and check whether the error is still present.
If the System File Checker did not help, you can also start the Check Disk Tool.
Again in the Windows command window, enter the following string "chkdsk" /f
If the error does not disappear after the instrument restart, the hard disk must be replaced imediatley.