FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

Measure SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%) in remote mode?


I'm unable to measure SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%) in remote mode. I browsed the driver help and I was unable to find a function for this purpose. The only VI found for THD measurements is the "RSSIUP Analyzer THD (+N) Main Measurement.vi". It seems that it is not possible to remotely set the measuring mode and the unit.


These commands are not implemented in Firmware 1.30. The following equations will help you to calculate SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%) yourself on your PC.

These are the equations provided by our R&D group.

Functions: "SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)"

Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)
Functions SINAD (dB) and NOISE (%)

Please use the following driver values for your own calculations:

Equation: Driver:

TotalRMS_THD <=> totalRMSTHD

Ufx <=> harmonicLines

TotalRMS_THD+N_without_fundamental <=> totalRMSNonfund

NoiseRMS_THD+N <=> noiseRMS

TotalRMS_THD+N <=> totalRMS