Keeping up with changes to EMI test
EMC standards are constantly changing, driven by new requirements, applications and technologies. Rohde & Schwarz, as a contributor to the CISPR standards, sees a great responsibility to help shape this change in the interests of a secure and connected world.
This page provides information on the latest developments in CISPR product standards, arising from recent changes to EMI compliance measurements. It will be updated annually and additionally if major changes in CISPR product standards take place. The changes described are the most recent for each standard, and may have been agreed in previous years, including:
- the currently valid edition
- new amendments
- potential maintenance items
- whether the amendments shall be published as a European EN standard
- Date of mandatory use in the European Economic Area (EEA)
In most cases, the object and procedure descriptions from the original CISPR standards are used, even when these are not the commonly used day-to-day terms. For example, a cooker is described as "a cooking appliance".
For more information related to EMC standards please download our EMC standards overview.
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